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01/17/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/17/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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' Page -2- <br />January 17, 1979 <br />Mr. Klenck had not arrived and the Special Use Permit was tabled until he arrived. <br />Special Use Permit - Forrest Tagg <br />Mr. Tagg was not present. Mr. Gourley suggested that since all the requested material <br />is in the file action could be taken. Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council that <br />the Special Use Permit be granted subject to the payment of the fee. Mr. Johnson seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Plat - Oak Knoll <br />Mr. Dobie who will represent Mr. Van Kleek had not arrived and the plat was tabled. <br />Rezone - El Rehbein & Son, Jerry Blackbird <br />El Rehbein & Son requested that property located in the 7800 block on Lake Drive be rezoned <br />from commercial and agricultural R1 to Light Industrial. <br />Mr. McLean suggested the Board could include in their motion something regarding the <br />landscaping of this lot. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council that this rezoning be approved and a public hear- <br />ing be set and subject to requiring the landscaping as described in Mr. Blackbird/s letter <br />to the City dated November 24, 1978 and completed to the satisfaction of this City. Mr. <br />Johnson seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Rezone - EI Rehbein & Son, Quadraminimums, Jerry Blackbird <br />El Rehbein & Son presented a letter to the Board asking approval of a prelimiary plat <br />of quadraminiums on Outlots H & K and part of Outlot J in Lake Addition #2. The Clerk's <br />office has questioned the zoning of outlots H & K. <br />Mr. Blackbird said that when El Rehbein & Son purchased the property they assumed it was <br />already zoned for multiple dwellings. A preliminary plan has been drawn for 39 four <br />unit dwellings on this 23 acre parcel. A 60' green walkway is planned as access to Lake <br />Resnaneau. An association of Quad owners would be formed to maintain and direct the <br />area. <br />A large number of residents from the area surrounding Outlots H, J & K were in the audience <br />and asked to be heard. Mr. Gourley stated that this was not a public hearing but a re- <br />quest to consider this plat and a public hearing would be conducted by the Council. Mr. <br />Reinert asked that since these residents were here tonight to let them be heard.. Mr. <br />Gourley asked tb::rn to give their names before they spoke. <br />Mr. Nelson, a resident of East Shadow Lake Drive presented a letter and petition to the <br />Board requesting the Board to deny the preliminary plat. <br />The residents and Mr. Blackbird talked about several aspects of the plat. Since no one <br />else gave their names their comments were not recorded but it is noted the residents <br />were opposed to the plat because they believe it would devalue their property, increase <br />the density too much and congest Lake Reshaneau. Mr. Blackbird pointed out there is <br />already 23 acreas on the southwest side of Lake Reshaneau for park and lake access now <br />owned by the City and also the density they are platting is less than the original town- <br />house density. As for reducing the value of their residents, he felt this was not true. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested that this Board could tonight recommend denial of the preliminary <br />plat and pass it on to the Council. Mr. McLean noted that none of the consultants have <br />
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