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03/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:03:53 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- March 15, 1978 <br />Mr. Hill asked if the future planned expansion will be concerned with food service. <br />Mr. James said he did not know. <br />Mrs. Schwankl suggested that our present ordinance should be looked at since it could <br />allow , for instance, a liquor establishment on all four corners of an intersection. <br />She suggested further planning as to what type of business or number of one kind of <br />businesses should be located in one particular area. <br />Mr. Mattson said that our present ordinances does not allow any exclusion according <br />to type of business as long as it conforms to the zoning. <br />The concensus of the Board regarding Country House was that the plans presented comply <br />with existing ordinances and zoning and as long as the Building Inspector requires <br />the building and site to comply with the Engineers and County Highways recommendations <br />no further action is necessary from this Board. <br />Mr. James was advised to contact the Building Inspector for help in completing his <br />plans. <br />Mrs. Schwankl said she feels the zoning ordinance should be reviewed. Is it reason- <br />able to allow another business to be built if it forces an existing business down <br />the tube.. <br />Mr. Mattson said this Board is just a recommending Board. The buck stops at the Council <br />table. If the land is zoned and the proposed business is in compliance, its the builders <br />decision as to how to spend his money. <br />Mrs. Schwankl agreed but felt in this particular instance we do not need any more gas <br />pumps in this area. <br />Mr. Hill asked Mrs. Schwankl what her suggestion would be? Do you think gas and groc- <br />eries don't mix? Mr. Shearen said it did not matter if they wanted to put in ten gas <br />pumps, its their money. Mr. Mattson said their lawyers would tear the City apart if <br />they were turned down. Mrs. Schwankl suggested that the ordinance could be changed. <br />Mr. Mattson said the Coucil could revise the ordinance and specify, for instance, <br />one gas pump per so many miles, etc. Mrs. Schwankl felt there is a need to do some- <br />thing in this particular area. Mr. Shearen suggested that there is already to much <br />government telling us what to do with what we have. <br />Charles Nelson's Plat - Roger Kolstad <br />Mr. Kolstad told the Board that Mr. Nelson is having a new preliminary plan drawn and <br />will have it ready for consideration at the April 19, 1978 Board meeting. <br />Street Lighting Ordinance - Donald Volk <br />Mr. Volk had prepared some ideas and sample ordinances for the Board to consider re- <br />garding street lighting. He explained the savings the City could realize if street <br />lights were installed by the developer and the City assume ownership when the plat <br />becomes final. <br />Mr. Volk said a street light would cost the developer approximate $1,000.00 each. Mr. <br />Hill asked if the post would be wood or metal. Mr. Volk said probably wood. Mr. Matt- <br />son asked the reason for street lighting and Mr. Volk said strictly safety reasons. <br />Mr. Shearen said this is another cost to a builder that will be passed on the the <br />buyer. We are already looking at an additional $150.00 for each house for park pur- <br />
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