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04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:39:11 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page Three - April 21, 1976 <br />Mr. Koob will let this Board know of his plans. <br />Mr. Rick O'Connel asked the Board about establishing a riding <br />stable at 1403 Birch Street. He has contacted Mr. Glanzer who <br />manages the land for a corporation and the house is for sale. Mr. <br />O'Connell said he can lease the remainder of the land with option <br />to buy. There is a total of 305 acres. <br />Mr. O'Connell was asked about the fences and he said there would <br />be no fences. He would provide corrals for containing the animals <br />and : • leave the land open for riding trails. The only places <br />fences would be placed would be to deter riders from entering <br />private property. <br />Mr. O'Connell was asked wheee As is located now and he said in <br />White Bear Lake. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. O'Connell if he was aware of the plans of the <br />Anoka County Park Board to establish a riding stable in the area <br />of Mr. Kelling's property? This stable is to be a part of the <br />Open Space Program. Mr. McLean suggested Mr. O'Connell contact <br />.°?r. David Tork.ildson with the possibility of working in conjunction_ <br />:.pith the County program. <br />There was some question as to the zoning of this property. The <br />•'1erk is to research back minutes for the possibility this land has <br />Seen rezoned to commercial. <br />Mr. O'Connell will return to the Board with his information. <br />Mr. LeRoy Houle had applied for a building permit to construct a <br />pole building on his porperty on Birch Street to be used for the <br />storage of his truck and equipment. He has four acres of land. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board asked that Mr. Houle apply for a <br />special use permit with the consent of the adjoining property <br />owners. <br />Under Old Business, Mr. Gourley asked about the recommendations <br />submitted by Mr. Mobley - has any one any ideas for approving or <br />.:hanging? It was suggested these thoughts be ready for the next <br />.neeting. <br />There was a question of issuing permits for the drilling of wells. <br />The Clerk asked if there is an ordinance covering this. The <br />general consensus was the State Plumbing Code covers this matter. <br />The Clerk was asked to check this matter with the Engineer and the <br />Attorney. <br />Mr. Nadeau suggested a copy of the State Plumbing Code be obtained <br />for use by this Board. The Clerk was instructed to call for the <br />Costs. <br />Mr. Gourley presented some ideas for the re -designing of the Specie: <br />Use Permit form. The marked copy was given to the Clerk for typing. <br />She is to have this ready for the next meeting. <br />
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