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10/15/1975 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
10/15/1975 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:31:30 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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2. <br />OCTOBER 15, 1975 <br />Mr. Nadeau suggested that the owners contact Mr. Robert Emery of Restoration <br />Enterprises for futher suggestions as to whom to contact regarding the <br />access to the property. <br />The next item for discussion was a request for a variance from Mr. and <br />Mrs. Richard Vomela who are purchasing the home located at 830 Oak Lane, <br />(Refer to minutes of September 17, 1975, page 2, paragraphs 2-7 for a <br />discussion of this matter) from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson. The home <br />is eight inches too close to the side lot line. The new owners have made <br />it a condition of purchase that they be granted a variance also, as were <br />the Robinson's last month. <br />After a brief discussion, Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council <br />that this variance be granted providing that the present useage of the <br />property, as a private residence, remains the same. <br />Mr. Houle seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The next item for discussion was a variance request from Mr. and Mrs. Marvin <br />Luger who reside as 1545 LaMotte Drive. They wish to construct a 6 foot <br />side lot fence from 15 feet from the front road to behind the rear of their <br />home. <br />Ordinance No. 56, Section 4.18 B -D states: <br />B...."Fences in residentail districts may be located in any <br />yard to a height of three and one-half (32) feet, <br />except that a fence up to six (6) feet in height may <br />be erected on the lot line from the nearest rear cor- <br />ner of the principal building. <br />C...."Should the rear lot line of a lot be common with the <br />side lot line of an abutting lot, that portion of <br />the rear lot line equal to the required front yard <br />of the abutting lot shall not be fenced to a height <br />of more than three and one-half (32) feet. <br />D....'Fences located within eight feet or more from the <br />rear lot line may be up to eight (8) feet in height." <br />Mr. Luger said that they had spoken with the Building Inspector in the <br />Spring and thought they had the okay to put up a six foot stockade -type <br />fence but after they got the posts in they were contacted by the Building <br />Inspector and told they would have to come to the P&Z for a Variance. <br />They want this fence to solve a few problems that have been occurring <br />in the neighborhood. The neighbors have planted a screening of ever-, <br />greens within 2' of the lot line and until they grow up this fence will <br />prevent the problems. Both parties wish to insure their privacy. <br />Mrs. Luger said that the Building Inspector said they only problem he <br />could forsee is if they did not provide enough air flow through the <br />slats of the fence. They have agreed to keep the slats far enough <br />apart to good air flow and that this would cause no problem for there. <br />Mr. Nadeau advised the Luger's that one-third of the area should be air <br />in order to assure a good wind break and air flow. <br />
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