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04/17/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/17/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(2) April 17, 1974 <br />Air. Paulsrud of 718 Vicky Lane appeared before the Board asking for a Special <br />Use permit to operate a sheet metal shop in his garage at the afore mentioned <br />address for a period of one year. He is just starting his business and needs to <br />get the business started. If things go, as he expects, within a year he will <br />have to find commercial property. He assured the Board there would be no storage <br />of materials outside the garage, no evening work, no traffic and no noise <br />connected with the operation. <br />Mr. Karth read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jones objecting to the estab- <br />lishing of this small business. <br />Mr. Paulsrud said that he would only be working in the garage about 2 hours a day. <br />He repeated there is no noise connected with this work and that he only wants <br />the special use permit for one year. <br />Por. Kelling felt that if a resident wants to start a causal business in his <br />garage and is willing to appear before the Board for permission and has plans <br />to move it out when the volumn warrants it, these people should be encouraged. <br />He moved to recommend to the Council approval of the Special Use Permit with the <br />following provisions; No work before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. - rionday <br />through Friday, except Holidays. Hours to be limited to 10 hours per week - no <br />outside storage of raw materials - and the Special Use Permit for the operation <br />of a sheet metal shoe at 718 Vicky Lane be limited to 1 year. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk was requested to send copies of this to Mr. & Mts. Jones. <br />Mr. Blackbird, representing North-NorthEast Realty appeared before the Board for <br />consideration on two possible plats; Pine Haven and Shamrock Estates. <br />Mr. Starr's and Mr. Gotwald's recommendations were read and discussed. The need <br />for the utility easements was noted. Since these two areas are near Park Propert- <br />ies, the feeling of the Board was that here again, cash would be accepted, in <br />lieu of land. It was also recommended that buildings only he put on every other <br />lot until sewers are installed. Mr. Blackbird asked the width of the street to <br />be surfaced. The Board wasn't sure of this and asked that he check with Mr. <br />Gotwald. In the Shamrock area, the street dead ends. The Board felt this could <br />create a problem with snow plowing. They asked that a turn around of some sort <br />be put in that plat. <br />There was some discussion on the legality of restricting the building if the perc <br />test were favorable. Some of the Board members felt that this practice could <br />result in a law suit. <br />Mr. Marier suggested in the future, if developers are to bring in plats for <br />discussion that these not be sent to the Planner and Engineer. When the <br />preliminary is presented then send copies to them. He suggested that Mr. Black- <br />bird consult Mr. Gotwald as to the storm sewers and a street on the south end of <br />the plat. <br />Basically, there were no objections from the Board, if the recommendations of the <br />Planner and Engineer were followed. <br />
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