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1957-022 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1957-022 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 10:55:33 AM
Creation date
3/15/2019 1:34:09 PM
City Council
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Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Establishing Regulations for Land Improvements and Street Construction; Providing Specifications for Construction and Use of Certain Materials; and Providing for the Manner in Which Improvements and Construction Shall be Completed in Lino Lakes
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Plant -Mix Bituminous Material. Is a sand and gravel aggregate mixed with a spec- <br />ified bitumous material in a stationary or traveling mixing plant. <br />Drainage. Is the removal of surface and storm water from any given area. <br />Municipal Water Supply. Is the furnishing of water through a water system which <br />is owned and controlled by a municipality in which it is located. <br />Community Water System. Is a water system which has been designed to serve a <br />limited area or community and which is usually privately owned. <br />Subdivision or Plat. Is a parcel of land divided into smaller parts such as blocks or <br />lots; also means a tract of land which is redivided anew after the first division. <br />Unimproved Lot. Is one which has been sold to an individual buyer in an unim- <br />proved state, that is, without any building having been constructed thereon. <br />Partial Maintenance. Shall include only that maintenance which is necessary to <br />permit access over the public street to the homes or buildings which might be construc- <br />ted in a given area at all seasons of the year. <br />Rough Grading. Is the grading work which has been done to bring the area within <br />the street right-of-way to approximately the designed finished grade. <br />Bitumous Material. As referred to in this ordinance is a cutback asphalt material <br />or an asphaltic cement. <br />Prime -coat. Is a light coat of bitumous material applied to a surface prior to <br />the placing of a mixture of aggregate or an aggregate and bitumous material. <br />Street Access. Is the right and ability to pass from a lot to a public street <br />without the nesessity of crossing private property. <br />Storm Sewers. A pipe line installed underground for the purpose of carrying sur- <br />face water from any given area. <br />Catch Basin. Is a structure usually placed at or near the gutter line of a street <br />and designed to recieve surface or storm water through an opening and provide a pass- <br />ageway into an underground storm sewer or culvert. <br />Manhole. A structure placed over a sewer with an opening at ground level and de- <br />signed in such a way as to permit access to the sewer for the purpose of cleaning or <br />inspection <br />Boulevard. The area of a right-of-way which is located between the gutter line of <br />the street ans property line on each side. Sometimes referred to as sidewalk or bench or <br />berm. <br />Building Permit. A written permit issued by the Village to allow the recipient <br />to construct or cause to be constructed any type of building or structure on any pro- <br />perty or land within the limits of the Village. <br />SECTION 3. BUILDING PERMITS <br />No building permits will be issued for any construction within the Village unless the <br />building site is located on an existing street which is being maintained by the Village <br />or unless provisions for street grading and construction have been made in full com- <br />pliance with this ordinance. <br />SECTION 4. PETITION <br />Before any improvement of any kind whatsoever is undertaken within the public right- <br />of-way, whether such right-of-way is located in new subdivisions or in an existing <br />subdivisions or plat, the owners shall petition the Village Council for the improvement <br />thereof. <br />
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