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1972-057 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1972-057 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 11:07:11 AM
Creation date
3/22/2019 11:06:25 AM
City Council
Council Document Type
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Relative to a Municipal Sewer System
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shall next verify the location and elevation of the property ser- <br />vice stub at the lot line, so that both sewer pipes that are to be <br />connected will be located and verified before digging the connecting <br />trench. If any discrepancy is found that would materially affect <br />the sewer connection as planned, the installer shall promptly notify <br />the Village by contacting the Clerk -Treasurer, the Village Plumbing <br />Inspector or the Engineer. The Village will assume no responsibility <br />for extra work, damages, or delays unless it is notified as described <br />above and has no opportunity to verify the discrepancy prior to <br />actual installation. <br />(4) Alignment. No connecting sewer shall contain bends or a <br />combination of bends which at any point shall be greater than 45 <br />degrees, and no more than three bends, regardless of angle, shall <br />be permitted in any single house connection, except where manholes <br />are constructed at such points and in manner as directed by the <br />Village Plumbing Inspector. No connecting sewer shall be laid <br />parallel to any bearing wall or footing unless further distant than <br />three feet from any such bearing wall or footing. No connecting <br />sewer shall be laid within twenty feet of any well. <br />(5) Trenching and Backfilling. All excavations shall be <br />open -trench work unless otherwise authorized by the Village Plumbing <br />Inspector. The foundation in the trench shall be formed to prevent <br />any subsequent settlement of the pipes. If the foundation is good <br />and firm earth, the earth shall be pared or molded to give a full <br />support to the lower third of each pipe. Bell holes shall be dug <br />to provide ample space for pouring of joints. Care must be exercised <br />in backfilling below the centerline of the pipe in order to give it <br />proper support. Backfilling shall be placed in layers and solidly <br />tamped or packed up to two feet above the pipe. Backfilling shall <br />not be done until the section to be backfilled has been inspected <br />and approved by the Village Plumbing Inspector. <br />(6) Use of Old House Sewers. Sewer connections may be made <br />directly to the pipe outlet from the building served provided the <br />pipe outlet is cast iron. No cesspool or septic tank shall be <br />connected to any portion of a house sewer that is also laid across <br />or over any existing cesspool or septic tank. The existing cess- <br />pool or septic tank shall first be pumped clean and filled with <br />earth to the surrounding ground level. <br />(7) Connections at Stub Only. Every connecting sewer shall <br />be connected to the municipal system only at the stub provided for <br />the property served by the connection except where otherwise ex- <br />pressly authorized by the Village Council. <br />In the event it becomes necessary to install a wye branch <br />this shall be done by removing the length of a straight pipe and <br />installing the wye branch which shall be done by cutting the top <br />
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