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02-03-1986 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1986 Minutes
02-03-1986 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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PARK BOARD <br /> February 3, 1986 <br /> Page Two <br /> Mr. Torkelson also said that there is presently a committee <br /> made up of two Lino Lakes citizens (John McLean and Jerry Clausen) , <br /> the County Board administrator,. two County Commissioners and him- <br /> self) that meet as necessary to discuss the County park concerns . <br /> The Board unanimously recommended that the City Council support <br /> the County in the proposed County park legislation issue and that <br /> the City receive a copy of the bill as soon as it is available , <br /> and the Police and Fire Departments receive copies of the guide- <br /> lines/ordinances which will be enforced by the park rangers . <br /> Ray Johnson was particularly concerned that the committee which <br /> Mr. Torkelson spoke aboutjwhich meets to discuss County park <br /> concerns does not have a Park Board member involved. He recommended <br /> that the City Council consider appointing a Park Board member to <br /> this committee since the Park Board has never, as far as he remembers , <br /> received a report of what issues this committee has discussed. The <br /> Board unanimously agreed that a Park Board member should be involved <br /> in this committee rather than a Planning & Zoning Board member. <br /> Mr. Bohjanen added that this committee was formed many years ago , <br /> and has not felt a need to meet for some time. He added that he <br /> would carry this concern on to the Council . <br /> Chairman Johnson thanked Mr. Torkelson and Mr . Palumbo for coming <br /> this evening. <br /> PARK PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE <br /> Mr. Gerald Rehbein appeared before the Park Board to explain what <br /> ispresently an idea which would benefit him personally and could <br /> benefit the City in terms of park property on the east side . The <br /> concept is that Mr. Rehbein would purchase a parcel east of 35W <br /> which is presently owned by Mr. Al Augustine, he would excavate <br /> and remove the soil (to be used elsewhere) and then refill the land <br /> with a lime-type material layered with good topsoil . This would <br /> create a parcel which would be suitable for a park and would be <br /> graded as necessary for a park, but not suitable for building. <br /> Should the Park Board plan to erect some type of building on the <br /> property, the plans for the building would need to be in place <br /> so that a particular location could be left unexcavated and thus , <br /> suitable to build on. <br /> Mr. Rehbein would donate the property after this undertaking , but <br /> he felt that it would be approximately five to eight years before <br /> completed. He is appearing this evening to see if the Park Board <br /> would be open to this idea. Before he could go through with it <br /> he would need all the necessary approvals from the PCA, engineers , <br /> etc. <br /> The Board asked if any other interest has -been shown by aandowners <br /> on the east side in response to the recent letter sent by the Park <br /> Board. Mrs . Foster said that presently there are five persons <br /> which have shown a possible interest in selling their property <br />
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