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11/08/2000 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/08/2000 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board <br />November 8, 2000 <br />Page 2 <br />• Chair Schaps suggested Mr. Matzke meet with the City Engineer John Paul to discuss this <br />item in further detail. <br />• <br />Mr. Johnson made a MOTION to close Open Mike at 6:39 p.m., and was supported by <br />Mr. Schilling. Motion carried 7 -0. <br />V. ACTION ITEMS <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING, TSM Development, Highland Meadows West 2nd <br />Addition <br />Chair Schaps declared the public hearing opened at 6:40 p.m. <br />Staff presented the application for Highland Meadows West, a planned development <br />overlay (PDO) which received final plat approval in April 20 ' :hland Meadows <br />West 2nd Addition includes land within the northern portio Hi., d Meadows. The <br />2nd Addition will create four lots: 2 new single family 1 which contain <br />existing houses. He indicated the lots would meet th e foot lot size <br />minimum along with adequate lot widths and dept o create a 50 -foot <br />extension of Marilyn Drive. Staff presented it 1 o 'eve project and recommended <br />approval of the preliminary plat with the se. o �� s detailed in the staff report. <br />Staff explained he wished to add a sen ition number six stating the applicant <br />must have proof that the Rice Creed s as approved the project and shall be <br />submitted to the City by Novembe <br />Chair Schaps asked the ap.1 "he or his engineer would like to make comment. <br />Steve Schmidt, 222 ?. ' treet, Anoka, stated he had nothing to add at this time. Mr. <br />Schmidt indicate.. wo ;. e willing to meet the Rice Creek Watershed deadline by <br />November 22, 201 E" a= plained he felt the proposed development would clean up the <br />surrounding prope treets, and make good use of the property. Mr. Schmidt stated he <br />was in no hurry at thi °'time but would appreciate approval from the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Ms. Lane asked why Outlot E was referred to on this plat. Staff indicated the original plat <br />was called Outlot E but should have been renamed to Outlot A on the revised plat map. <br />Ms. Lane made a MOTION to close the public hearing at 6:52 p.m., and was supported <br />by Mr. Corson. Motion carried 7 -0. <br />Ms. Lane made a MOTION to approve the Highland Meadows West 2nd Addition <br />Preliminary Plat based on the following conditions: <br />1. Lot 3, Block 1, shall be adjusted to meet the minimum requirement for buildable area <br />above the pond elevation. Revised plans shall show this change and be submitted by <br />November 22 to allow review and time before City Council approval. <br />
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