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05/10/1989 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/10/1989 P&Z Minutes
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7/17/2014 12:34:13 PM
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7/17/2014 11:47:18 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />• <br />PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING <br />May 10, 1989 <br />4. The county grant easements for sewer and water <br />utilities and trail on the north end of Reshanau <br />Lake. (Actions allowing better access to the golf <br />course for local residents). <br />5. The county agree to accept utilities for the <br />goundskeeper's house and city water as a back -up <br />utility for the golf course. <br />Attorney Palumbo stated that the Anoka County Park Board is <br />agreeable with Mr. Millers recommendations. <br />Anoka County is now waiting for information from the City of <br />Lino Lakes as to the drainage easements from the West Shadow <br />Lake Drive area west into park property, and from the <br />Robertson Construction land north into the park property. <br />John Miller stated that there is a redraft being completed in <br />regards to the Robertson plat. Once that is complete, the <br />city will be able to determine where the easements and <br />drainage will occur. An additional access to the golf course <br />would be beneficial to Anoka County, and also reduce traffic <br />on West Shadow Lake Drive. <br />Ron Stahlberg, City Engineer will present costs to Anoka <br />County for installation of utilities to the golf course. <br />Alan Irwin wanted to know how long it will take for Anoka <br />County to install the landscaping and berms. Palumbo stated <br />that once this is approved he is sure the work will be <br />completed right away. Palumbo stated he would have no <br />problem with the P &Z board recommending completion of the <br />landscaping within 90 - 120 days. <br />Charles Prokop stated that last month when the P &Z meeting <br />was adjourned, discussion continued with Mr. Torkildson and <br />staff members, and board members. It was reported to Charles <br />Prokop that Mr. Torkildson was heard making a threat to one <br />of the members of the P &Z board. Mr. Prokop shared this <br />information with Margaret Langfeld, County Commissioner. <br />Mr. Palumbo apologized for Mr. Torkildsons actions and stated <br />that he hopes this situation never happens again. <br />Harold Bisel stated that this issue still has to be presented <br />at Council level, and to not be presumptions that this issue <br />is resolved. Bisel went on to say that number 3, 4, and 5 of <br />John Miller's recommendation would be a requirement to the <br />county anyway. The city would still have to claim easements <br />and utilities may still be installed. <br />Mr. Bisel asked the board what their position will be if this <br />were to ever happen again. <br />Page 2 <br />
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