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05/11/1988 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/11/1988 P&Z Minutes
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• <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MAY 11, 1988 <br />applicant was not approved by the board members nor were <br />variance requests for undersized lots. The members were <br />also concerned about the linear street arrangement with, for <br />example, Prairie Drive being a straight, quarter mile long <br />residential street. <br />At this time Jack Menkfeld of North Suburban Development is <br />revising the preliminary plat for Sunrise Meadows. <br />The Planning and Zoning members are looking for lots twenty <br />seven (27), twenty eight (28) and twenty nine (29) block six <br />(6) will be shortened in their north, south dimension to <br />accomodate shifting Wild Flower Drive, Rice Lake Drive, and <br />Prairie Drive southward respectively the foot and a half <br />south on Wild Flower, a foot and a half on Rice Lake, Two <br />and a half feet on Prairie Drive. This may require that <br />lots twenty seven, twenty eight and twenty nine on this <br />•block must be combined into two lots rather than three now <br />shown. The depth we would be maintaining overall square <br />footage and width. The same would hold for lots one, two <br />and three of block seven and that they would be maintaining <br />width but we will be giving up depth. Lots one, ten, eleven <br />and twenty, block three, we'd be giving a variance for width <br />because of the adjustments needed on Second Avenue. That <br />would be causing a hardship because it's a State Aid Road - <br />going eighty feet wide instead of sixty feet wide. The <br />cul -de -sac west of Prairie Drive - The cul -de -sac of Caribow <br />Circle and the cul -de -sac on Meadow Lane - we're looking for <br />some assurance that the lots would be eight feet wide with <br />the setback of the houses. <br />MOTION: Prokop moved to table this item until the June 8th <br />meeting. Then the Planning and Zoning will approve the <br />final plat. Averbeck seconded the motion and the motion was <br />carried unanimously. <br />REQUEST FROM ELMER CROHN FOR CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW FOR <br />WILDWOOD ADDITION LOCATED NEAR LINO LAKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <br />Elmer Crohn presented his preliminary plan of Wildwood <br />Addition (the land he bought from Mrs. Gotwald) No action <br />was taken on this. Discussion was on where the pipelines go <br />through the property and what to do with the potholes on the <br />Land. <br />REQUEST FROM PAUL K. MILLER FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR LAND <br />LOCATED NEAR 2209 PHELPS ROAD, APPLICATION #88 -07. REQUEST <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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