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08/13/1986 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
08/13/1986 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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s <br />PLANNING 6 ZONING BOARD <br />August 13, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />TAX INCREMENT FINANCING <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the tax increment financing plan which has been <br />put together by staff and reviewed and approved in concept by the Econ- <br />omic Development Committee. He explained that state statute requires <br />that the Planning and Zoning Board review the plan. This formal review <br />is scheduled for the September, 1986 P 6 Z meeting; tonight's presenta- <br />tion was for informational purposes. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained some specifics of the proposed plan: <br />The project area is in what is known as Urban Service District #2 <br />and there are smaller districts within Urban Service District #2. <br />- The purpose of tax increment financing (TIF) is to increase the <br />tax base within Lino Lakes. <br />- The plan would provide city utilities to a particular district to <br />accommodate planned development. In order that individuals along <br />the utility line would not be required to participate in the utility <br />project, the TIF plan would pick up the assessments for those non- <br />participating parties for a maximum of 10 years in economic dis- <br />tricts or 25 years in housing districts. Should individuals along <br />the utility line wish to participate in the future, they would be <br />charged the normal connection charges and assessments. <br />- The City Council would be responsible to take necessary actions to <br />administer the tax increment financing plan. <br />IIIMr. Schumacher asked that the Board review the material they have re- <br />ceived regarding TIF and be prepared to review the plan to assure that <br />it is consistent with the comp plan at the September, 1986 meeting. <br />ULMER'S RICE LAKE 4th ADDITION <br />Mr. Johnson stated that he has received a sketch from Ulmer Construction <br />for a new layout proposal for their 4th addition, and has concerns <br />specifically with regard to accessing the property to the north. Mr. <br />Ulmer was not present to discuss the proposal and the Board did not <br />have copies of the proposal to review. Chairman Doocy asked to post- <br />pone this agenda item until later in the meeting. Later in the meeting <br />Chairman Doocy asked that this issue be removed from this evening's <br />agenda since the proposal was not available for review. <br />BOB NICKELSON PLUMBING 6 HEATING - SITE 8 BUILDING PLAN AND CONDITIONAL <br />USE PERMIT FOR EXTERIOR STORAGE <br />Mr. Nickelson represented his requests after being asked by the P 8 Z <br />Board at the July, 1986 meeting to return with a more concise applica- <br />tion package and satisfy concerns of the Planner and the Engineer. <br />The concerns of the Engineer were addressed as follows: 1) septic <br />system OK per Mr. Kluegel, 2) side lot setback met per Mr. Kluegel, <br />3) parking facilities OK and lot to be blacktopped per Mr. Kluegel, <br />411 4) location of septic and well OK per Mr. Kluegel, 5) surface of <br />proposed parking area and storage behind the building class 5, 6) <br />location of fencing shown on site sketch, 7) fencing will be screened <br />with slats. The concerns of the Planner were addressed as follows: <br />1) sign will either be on building of near building per sign ordinance, <br />2) landscape plan appears to be acceptable per site sketch. <br />
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