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04/13/1983 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/13/1983 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />Planning and Zoning Board <br />April 13, 1983 <br />Page -2 <br />On the vote for recommendation for approval, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Walls was <br />informed that this would be placed on the April 25, 1983 Council agenda for their action. <br />VARIANCE - MELVIN AND IDA REHBEIN <br />Mr. Rehbein explained his Mother, Ida Rehbein has requested the variance to split off seven <br />(7) acres from her twenty (20) acre parcel to give to Melvin so he can combine it with his <br />ten (10) acre parcel. Mrs.' Rehbein has already deeded the seven (7) acres to Melvin and <br />she wants the variance so the subdivision can be recorded with the County. This will give <br />Melvin a total of seventeen (17) acres and leave Ida with a total of thirteen (13) acres. <br />Mr. McLean asked what zone is this land located? It was explained it was Rural with a <br />ten (10) acre minimum for a building site. Mr. Schumacher explained that this request <br />is consistent with the Rural Classification. <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend to the Council that the application for a variance to Ord- <br />inance #85, Section #5 for Mrs. Ida Rehbein enabling a lot split between Ida Rehbein and <br />Melvin Rehbein be consumated in a total of seven (7) acres. The reason for the recommend- <br />ation is that the lot split is consistent with the Rural Classification in our new zoning <br />ordinance and the intent of the Comphrensive Land Use Plan. Mrs. Klaus seconded the motion. <br />Mr. McLean amended his motion to require a Certificate of Survey with a complete legal des- <br />cription prior to this being brought before the Council. Mrs. Klaus seconded the amendment. <br />Goldade asked that the variance request form be changed to read seventeen (17) acres <br />of thirteen (13) acres to Ida Rehbein. <br />On voting on the amendment all voted Aye. Motion declared passed. <br />On the original motion all voted Aye. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Rehbein was told this would be on the Council agenda April 25, 1983 if he could get <br />his Certificate of Survey by April 20, 1983, otherwise this could be on a later Council <br />Agenda. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT - ROY STANLEY - SUNSET OAKS II <br />Mr. Stanley explained this preliminary plat had Council approval in June, 1980. At that <br />time the Council had told him not to record the plat until the municipal sewer issue was <br />decided. This issue could have had an impact on this preliminary plat. Since that time <br />the sewer issue was settled and now he wishes to record his plat. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there was any evidence of committment from the Council. He was told <br />there was nothing in the minutes. <br />Mr. Marvy, Mr. Tilsen, Mr. Stanley and Mr. Kluegel checked the proposed zoning map. This <br />area is designated Expansion Residential, one building site per five (5) acres. <br />Marvy explained to the Board that because of the location and layout of the site it <br />ould not be possible to subdivide without installing some streets. If the five (5) acre <br />minimum stands only four (4) building sites could be realized and it would not be worth- <br />while to subdivide in this manner. It is also not possible to hold this property until <br />such time that municipal sewers are available. It becomes a dead piece of land. <br />
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