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02/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/18/1980 P&Z Minutes
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Fllruary 18 1980 <br />• <br />Page Two <br />The Urban District No. 1 - Lakes Add. area and Shenandoah; Urban <br />.District No. 2 - Lexington Park Lakeview area. Mr, Shorfexplained the <br />discourgement of development in the rural area. This area is outlined <br />on the map. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented the comprehensive sewer plan. He explained about <br />Urban District 1 and 2 and how they were established. The reason the <br />districts are separated into 2 ares is the Chain of Lakes and County <br />Open Space. Urban District no. 1 was discussed and noted this area is <br />limited to 715 connections and the interceptor is designed to take of <br />this area until 1990. Urban District No.2 is based on old existing <br />development and future development of the land. The scheduling of the <br />sewer construction is along those lines. Some areas could not get <br />sewers for possibly 20 -25 years. <br />Mr. Short emphasized we are required to address the MC various systems <br />and they want to know what this City's plans are. <br />Mr. Short showed a summary of road way. Principal arterials are I35W & <br />135E; Minor arterial - Lake Drive, Main Street and Hodgson Road; <br />Collector roadways - Birch, 20th Avenu, Centerville Road, Lilac, 4th Ave. <br />Holly - to mention a few. Basically this would include all local streets. <br />Recommendations to Council will include fewer driveways on the minor <br />arterials; Park and Ride areas nlear the interstates. Long range plans <br />should include future interchanges <br />IIIThe Park and Open Space Plan included suggested Neighborhood parks <br />sizes of 3 to 10 acres; Playfields 10 to 40 acres. The existing park <br />areas were outlined on the map for audience information. <br />Under the plan for HOusing, this plans includes the variety of housing <br />needed as the area developes. Residents of Lino Lakes oft are in <br />different age groups and should have a choice of housing, <br />There are suggested guideline for housing for moderate income families. <br />housing for modest income families with lots sizes of 11,000 square <br />feet to help make this possible. <br />Mr. Paul DeNuccio ask'the schedule for sewer in District #2 and Mr. <br />Gotwald said this plan is required under Metro policy and explained <br />past discussions on this subject. He was asked if there is a contingency <br />plat and Mr. Gotwald said, not at this time. There is to be a review <br />of this plan each 4 to 5 years. Each area of this plan has been done <br />in the past 6 months. <br />Mr. Ben Benson asked if there was any way to pu'pressure on MC to get <br />sewer in certain areas to get commercial and Industrial in this City? <br />•Mr. Gotwald explained that Sewer Service District #1 is a temporary systen <br />designed to serve until 1990. He was asked what will happen after 1990? <br />•Mr. Gotwald explained that at that time MC will be forced to review the <br />plan in that area. <br />
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