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• <br />• <br />• <br />Further treatment and volume retention may be achievable by minimizing or <br />eliminating the pipe from the infiltration area to the lake. This could be a final <br />treatment opportunity. The soils for this area are very sandy. Water in this swale <br />should infiltrate very well. An additional swale may be constructed from the <br />North to the South where the pipe daylights to the lake. This would give another <br />400 feet of infiltration capacity to the treatment train. Adding an organic base to <br />this swale as per "Infiltration Area Planting Detail ", and planting as a linear rain <br />garden would have an additional filtration benefit. <br />Suggest that all houses direct runoff from impervious to pervious grass areas, <br />through the directional use of downspouts. <br />Suggest that the developer prepare a brochure for new homeowners. The <br />brochure should discuss the importance of water treatment and that some areas <br />may be a bit wet after a storm. Other information should include Shoreland <br />Overlay district restrictions on vegetation removal. <br />The 30 % required open space for a shoreland area project should be protected <br />from compaction as much as possible. Restoration to pre - development soil <br />compaction densities should be accomplished with a ripper or tiller. All water <br />treatment areas should be protected with fence after initial grading. Grading <br />should be done with low- impact equipment. <br />The yellow area shown on Attachment 2 is the area within 200 feet of surface <br />water where the slope is greater than 3:1. NPDES requires that this area have a <br />minimum of 7 days that exposed soils can remain unstable. This site must have <br />temporary erosion protection or permanent cover within 7 days. The NPDES <br />lists action steps that must be taken to ensure erosion control. The permit must <br />be on site at all times. The developer should indicate an area where their permit <br />information and inspection reports are available for inspection. <br />All treatment areas should be planted with native, deep- rooted, plants (the city <br />specifications). Areas between or behind houses that are acting as swale areas <br />should be planted with approved low- profile native plants. These plants should <br />be low profile, transitional -type plants. All areas seeded with a quick -grow <br />erosion - control requirement that includes a native seed spec requirement should <br />be seeded at the same time. <br />A highly recommended BMP for erosion control assurance is to place a <br />temporary sediment basin on the site. This might be accomplished by simply <br />digging a hole on the SE lot, and creating a drainage swale to it on the East Side <br />of the Proposal. When designed surface -water treatment features on the rest of <br />the site are stable, then the hole can be filled in. <br />Env. Bd. Mtg. 1/26/05 <br />Page 2 Item 5B <br />