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1 <br />J <br />1 <br />3 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />EIYAN <br />• <br />thence continuing Northeasterly along said East line a distance of 209.00 feet; thence Easterly <br />and parallel with the South line of said Section 8 a distance of 413.00 feet; thence Southwesterly <br />and parallel with the East line of said highway a distance of 209.00 feet; thence Westerly and <br />parallel with the South line of said Section 8 a distance of 413.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The proposed development includes a SuperTarget store of approximately 130,700 sq. ft. of <br />retail sales area, 16,900 sq. ft. of front service, food service, office and restroom area and 35,160 <br />sq. ft. of stockroom area. The SuperTarget is situated on the eastern % portion of the <br />PROPERTY. The development also includes eight (8) retail shop buildings of various sizes on <br />the western %: portion of the site. Refer to the site and building plans for more specific <br />information on location, building elevations, and floor plans. In addition, refer to Exhibit A — <br />Design Standards for comparison of City Ordinance and Proposed building setbacks, floor area <br />ratios and hard surface coverage. APPLICANT is requesting site and building plan approval for <br />all retail shops north and west of the Apollo Drive extension. <br />Description and graphics of the proposed site and building signage are submitted herewith the <br />site and replatting application. <br />Site utilities are proposed to connect into the existing city water and sanitary sewer mains. <br />Proposed sanitary sewer connections are at two locations; one near the southwest comer of the <br />parcel along Lake Drive and at Apollo Drive and the second at the secondary access point along <br />Lake Drive. A new site water main with fire hydrants will be looped around the proposed <br />buildings and tied into the city main near the two sanitary sewer connections stated above as well <br />as connecting to the 77th Street water main. Refer to utility plans. <br />Building down spouts and the majority of the parking lot storm water runoff is being planned to <br />convey through a system of new storm sewer on site and connect to two new runoff and <br />treatment pond located south central and northeastern on the site. Storm water runoff <br />calculations are included in Exhibit F of this narrative for verification purposes. <br />Planned earthwork will involve the excavation, filling, export and import of soil materials. On <br />site balance, without import and export of materials cannot be achieved due to the extent of <br />organic soil material on the site. <br />APPLICANT has included in the preliminary site plans a sheet titled "Site Infiltration Plan". <br />APPLICANT is intending to use BMP's (Best Management Practices) for storm water runoff <br />that meet City and watershed district objectives. APPLICANT has incorporated structural soils <br />in the planting beds to improve soils compressive strength as well as improve infiltration <br />properties. Along the backs of curb and gutter section, where appropriate, infiltration trenches <br />are planned to reduce storm water runoff. A bio -swale along the south side of 77th Street and <br />north of SuperTarget will also be constructed. <br />• <br />In addition, bio - retention basins in the southeastern and northwestern corners of the site adds <br />increased over all infiltration objectives through the installation of infiltration tubes in the basin ip <br />bottoms. Infiltration tubes are also planned along the invert of the bio - swale. <br />PARSONS <br />TRANSPORTATION GROUP <br />Bsrtongsnhmnn • Ds Lsuw. Csthsr. • Steinman <br />Town Center Narrative <br />Page -6- <br />01/15/01 <br />