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CYAN <br />APPLICANT had a number of soil borings on the site. Refer to Exhibit H Soil Borings for <br />additional information conceming site soil conditions. <br />PROTECTION OF WETLAND RESOURCES <br />AND WETLAND RESTORATION AND FLOODWAY IMPACTS <br />A portion of the PROPERTY consists of jurisdictional wetland; some or all of which is regulated <br />by the Rice Creek Watershed District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. <br />The Rice Creek Watershed District serves as regulatory function with regard to wetlands on the <br />property. The Watershed District serves as Local Government Unit ( "LGU") under the <br />Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act ( "WCA "), which regulates the filling or draining of all <br />non - public waters wetland. <br />The jurisdictional boundaries of wetlands regulated under the WCA were delineated using the <br />methodology described in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual ( "1987 <br />Corps Manual "). The Corps of Engineers also regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material <br />into wetlands. (again as delineated using the 1987 Corps Manual). <br />Wetlands on the property were delineated according to the 1987 Corps Manual by Peterson <br />Environmental Consulting, Inc. ( "PEC ") in December of 2000 and documented in a wetland <br />delineation report dated December 11, 2000. James L. Arndt, Ph.D., a licensed soil scientist in <br />Minnesota performed the delineation. Refer to Exhibit E. <br />There are approximately 4.87 acres of delineated wetlands on the PROPERTY. The Peterson <br />report has labeled wetlands as Basin A (3.63 acres) and Basin B (1.24 acres). Due to the late <br />season timing of the delineation a confirmation of the wetland boundary with the LGU and Corp <br />has not occurred. APPLICANT will work with the City, County, Watershed District and Corp of <br />Engineers as early as possible in the spring to confirm the wetland edge. <br />All of Basin A wetlands will be impacted by the grading activities and by converting it to a site <br />bio- retention basin. APPLICANT is pursuing an off -site wetland mitigation site or an existing <br />wetland bank to be debited for the project. <br />APPLICANT's planned construction of two (2) storm water ponds and creation of a bio- <br />retention pond no impacts to floodways are contemplated. <br />INTEGRATED BUILDING ARCITECTURE <br />AND DESIGN COMPLEMENTARY <br />TO LINO LAKES VILLAGE CENTER <br />The architectural design has been derived from the context of the Village Center. Building <br />massing and materials similar and compatible to the Village Center are planned. Buildings on <br />the site have been laid out with view corridors in mind and address the public pedestrian paths <br />with articulated entries and building corners. Public amenities such as plazas, gateways, picket <br />fences and sidewalk patterns at major intersections are intended to promote a pedestrian path <br />with varied points of interaction. Refer to Site Plans. <br />PARSONSTo Center Narrative <br />Page - 01/15/01 <br />TRANSPORTATION GROUP <br />Barten•pa¢hman • Oa Lem. Sather, • Steinman <br />