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09/28/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/28/1981 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 12:10:09 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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7 <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS <br />VARIANCE - ALCOCK ESTATES <br />September 28, 1981 <br />This is for the splitting of a parcel of land with no street frontage. <br />This land is to be added to an existing parcel. Mr. Alcock had been <br />granted a variance on May 26, 1981 and it is necessary to set aside this <br />variance before a new variance can be granted. The Planning and Zoning <br />had moved to recommend the setting aside of the variance with teh consent <br />of Mrs. Flora Alcock, Estate Administrator. The Planning and Zoning had <br />then moved to recommend to the Council approval of this variance request, <br />with the stipulation that a certificate of survey be provided. <br />Mr. McLean moved to rescind the Resolution granting the Alcock Estates <br />a variance on May 26, 1981 for the reasons presented in the applicant's <br />petition of August 26, 1981. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried <br />uannimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the variance application for the Alcock Estates <br />for Parcel D, as noted on the map dated September 16, 1981 describing a <br />parcel of land 150'x270'x150'x165' without street frontage thus unbuild- <br />able. A certificate of Survey must per presented to the City Clerk prior <br />to the issuance of this variance. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - R. BROWN <br />Mr. Brown is requesting a variance to Ord. #56, Subd. 4.16. This requires <br />a 40' setback since his is a corner lot. Mr. Brown had consulted the <br />Anoka County Highway Department and he does have a letter of agreement <br />from the Amoka County Commissioners allowing Mr. Brown's driveway to exit <br />onto Main Street. <br />A letter from Ken Meister, City Engineer, also recommended that this drive- <br />way exit onto Main Street. Mr. Meister also count not find any problems <br />with the request for a 16' setback as long as the County had no objections. <br />Mr. Schumacher read the letter from the County Highway Department with two <br />stipulations; 1) the access be limited to the West 30' of the lot; and 2) <br />the turn - around be constructed so as to eliminate the need to back out <br />onto Main Street. <br />On questioning Mr. Brown, it was determined that his garage will be in <br />front of the other garages facing Main Street in that area. His garage <br />will start wihere the garage next door ends. <br />Mayor Gourley said he wasn't so concerned with the 16' setback that is <br />being requestd, as he was with the fact that the garage will be out of <br />line with the rest of the neighborhood. <br />The Council had some questions and felt they would like to take a look at <br />this property. Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to table any action on this request <br />until the Oct. 5, 1981 meeting. Seconded by MR. Jaworski. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />WEINER - SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />Mr. Weiner was not present. Mayor Gourley moved to able until Mr. Weiner <br />is present to discuss this application. Seconded by MR. McLean. Motion <br />
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