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10/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/13/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Q4 <br />October 13, 1981 <br />DELAYED PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISISON ITEM <br />Special Use Permit - Mr. Weiner - Mr. Weiner had requested a special use <br />permit for the construction of a pole building to be located in the <br />rear of his home on Highway #49. <br />Mr. Weiner said this is not to be used as a business - it is basically <br />a garage to be used for storage - just a reference point for his <br />carpenter operation. <br />Various aspects of this construction were discussed - type of building, <br />height in relationship to residence, tec. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve this special use permit. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Mr. McLean moved to amend this motion by addint "this <br />building to be used for storage only - no manufacturing of any type to <br />be allowed since the property is residential." Mrs. Elsenpeter seconded <br />the amendment. Mayor Gourley asked if there were any objections to voting <br />on both the motion and amendment at the same time and there were no <br />objections. Motion carried with Mr. Jaworski voting, No. <br />1981 AUDIT <br />Mr. Scumacher reported that the State Audit petitioned will be a <br />compliance audit and not a dollar and cents audit, therefore, there will <br />not be duplication of work by Anfinson. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the contract of Anfinson and Hendirksen to <br />perform the 1981 audit for the City of Lino Lakes at an estimated cost <br />of $7500.00 Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CABLE TV BOARD DIRECTORS <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there were any names to be submitted by the Council <br />members and there were none. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter reported there is a conflict of meetings with one of <br />the Directors and one other alternate is needed. Seh reported that she <br />had discussed this posintion with Mrs. Bobbi Volk and would like to con- <br />tact Mr. Bill Houle. What is needed is to replace Mr. Johnson and Mr. <br />Rector and to appoint a second alternate and possibly replace Mr. Benson <br />as an alternate. <br />Mayor Gourley felt the only action that can be taken tonight is to <br />appoint Mrs. Volk as a Director to replace Mr. Johnson. Mayor Gourley <br />made the appointment and the formal Resolution will be presetned at a <br />later meeting. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter requested direction from the Council as to the status <br />of the Cable TV Advisory Commission - should they continue to meet and <br />discuss the actions of the Joint Powers Commission? act as an Advisiory <br />Board on the proposed franchise? disband? <br />Mr. McLean moved to disband the Cable TV Advisory Commission and all <br />members be sent a note of Thanks for their time and work. Seconded by <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz. Mrs. Elsenpeter amended "until the Council determines <br />there is a need again'. Amendment was accetped and voted on as a part <br />of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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