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02/14/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/14/1983 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 2:51:11 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Council Meeting <br />F'ebiy ry.14, 1983 <br />question. <br />Mr. Marier asked, of the three proposals, which one would the CDBG funds <br />cover and Mr. Schumacher said those funds will cover the construction of <br />the Senior Center in all three options. Any additional construction <br />would have to be covered by City funds. <br />The amount available for this construction was discussed - there was a <br />total of $114,068.00 remaining after the $15,000.00 had been deducted - <br />the $15,000.00 had been given to the Alexandria House. <br />After some discussion on these figures (there was some disagreement), Mr. <br />Marier moved to table items #5 and #12 and the matter of the exact amount <br />be researched and the legality of using interest from some of the existing <br />sinking funds for the City's portion of the construction costs. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Mr. Hawkins reported that he will write an analysis of the status of the <br />quads. <br />A recess was called at this point. The meeting reconvened at 8:25 P.M. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />Mr. Davidson reviewed the consensus of the Army Corps of Engineers that <br />all lots along Black Duck can be built upon with the exception of Lots <br />2,3,4, &5; Block 10. The request for fill permits has been withdrawn. <br />A decision on those lots excepted will be made at a later date. Mr. <br />Davidson suggested pursuing a procedure of returning those lots to the <br />assessment rolls. <br />The only other intem on the Enigneer's report was in reference to the <br />hearing on the Baldwin Lake Mobile Home Court which is to be held on <br />February 28, 1983. Mr. Davidson noted that he will be prepared for that <br />hearing. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz questioned why wasn't TKDA consulted on the Senior <br />Citizen's project and Mr. Davidson said they had been consulted but the <br />person who is doing the work has some previous information as to the needs <br />of the City. His firm felt that it would be more cost effective if that <br />firm preceeded with the work on the Senior Citizen construction. <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL's CONTRACT - LINO LAKES /CIRCLE PINES <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the changes inserted by the City of Circle Pines <br />and their concerns with the construction market. The various facets of <br />this change was discussed. The general consensus of the Council was that <br />the guaranty of the amount agreed upon should remain in the contract and, <br />if the City of Circle Pines finds the building is not up to expectations <br />by August, then appear before the Lino Lakes City Council for adjustment. <br />Mr. Schumacher is work some language out to that effect. <br />
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