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08/08/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/08/1983 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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80 <br />August 8, 1983 <br />Beer Permit - ML /GC - IGOA - Since this is an unknown organization, <br />the Clerk had requested the Police Chief to investigate the applicant <br />and present a report. She noted that the Council members have a copy <br />of the report. <br />1 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz noted that in view of the Police report on the activities <br />at the proposed location last year, he would move to deny the Beer <br />permit request. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Motion carried unanimously. <br />REPORT ON OUTLOT A - LAMOTTE's 2nd ADDITION <br />The Clerk noted that she had researched the minutes and the Council <br />members have copies of those minutes. Mr. LaMotte indicated in the <br />minutes that he would deed to the City Outlot A as a drainage easement. <br />Mr. Mike Mastro of 1553 LaMotte Road stated his objections to the pro- <br />posed use of this Outlot for an access to the lake. He requested this <br />Council issue a position statement as to the use of this Outlot and <br />this matter can be closed. <br />Mr. Reinert reported that he had viewed the Outlot and felt that the <br />property is low and questioned whether any previous Council had viewed <br />this as an access to the lake. He felt this should remain as a drainage <br />way. <br />Mayor Benson asked if the Park Board had made any other determinations <br />other than what is in the minutes? Mr. Schumacher noted the recommendation <br />had been that, if this is to be used by the residents in any fashion <br />it should not be sold, but there could be consideration of leasing on <br />a year to year basis at the maximum. <br />Mr. Reinert felt the use of this lot is for the drainage of the surround - <br />ing lands and if this is allowed to be used as an access, he felt <br />that this could create a maintainance problem for the City. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to declare officially the intended use of the Outlot <br />be for a drainage way and the City hold and maintain it for that purpose. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. <br />Mayor Benson asked if this is necessary and Mr. Hawkins said this is <br />not necesary but it is a statement of this Council's position. <br />Mr. Mastro asked how the persons who had asked for the use of this Outlot <br />be notified of the Council's decision? and is this a final determination <br />on this Outlot? <br />The Council felt that since there are three papers represented at this <br />meeting, the decision of the Council would be well publicized. In answer <br />to his second questions - nothing is forever. <br />Mr. Mastro asked that the understanding with the St. Paul Water Dept. <br />be read into the minutes dated Oct. 7, 1970; "the adjoining land owners <br />may not use the Water Dept. land for the purpose of allowing public <br />access to the lake." <br />Vicky Voigt - 6900 LaMotte Road - asked if this oot could be used to <br />just get to the lakd? She stated that there is no way to cross the <br />
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