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09/12/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/12/1983 Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />September 12, 1983 <br />103 <br />Me. Kluegel noted this meeting has been published and all notices had beeb <br />mailed to the surrounding property owners. This rezoning is consistent <br />with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and with the current usage of the land. <br />There was some discussion of the landscaping requirements with Mr. Kluegel <br />noting the request for a Conditional USe Permit will be before the Planning <br />and Zoning Board on Wednesday, September 14, 1983 and these requirements <br />will be discussed at that time. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to close the Public Hearing at 7:54 P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion cararied unanimously. <br />Mr.Kulaszewicz moved to approve the rezoning of Lot 21, Block 2, Calole's <br />Estates II from GB to LI in that it is consistent with the Comprehensinve <br />Land Use Plan and with the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - SHORELAND MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE - OPENED' 7:55 P.M. <br />Mr. Kluegel noted this document has been reviewed by the Planning and <br />Zoning Board and had received their recommendation for adoption. The DNR <br />has also approved the draft of this ordinance. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to close the hearing at 8:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Reinert. Motion carried unanimosuly. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to waive the reading and adopt this Ordiannce $10 -83 <br />as presented. Seconded by MR. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried uannimously. <br />2nd READING - ORDINANCE #07 -83 - MOLIN <br />Mr. Reinert moved to waive the reading of Ordiannce #07 -83 and adopt as <br />written. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. MOtion carried unanimosuly. <br />CLERK'S REPORT <br />A letter had been received from Mr. V.S.Petersen objecting to the change <br />in zoning on lands located along Lake Drive. Mr. Petersen stated that he <br />had plans for utilizing the cmmmercial zoning and now cannot due to the <br />zoning being changed to R1. <br />The Council requested a leeter be sent to Mr. Petersen sstating that <br />when he presentes a detailed plan for the use of that area, the zoning will <br />be ocnsidered at that time. <br />A letter from the House of Praise Church on Main Street requesting a speed <br />zone be designated near the Church and School. The City Council has no <br />jurisdiction over a County Road. The request will be forwarded to Anoka <br />County and from there is must go to the State for their reocmmendations. <br />Mr. Krube will be notified. <br />IA letter from Mr. Darold Bleiler of Main Street, who has a problem with <br />a barking dog. He submitted some suggestions for changes in the Ordinance. <br />The general consensus of the Council was that this is a civil matter and <br />the complaintant should sign a complaint. The Chief of Police was asked <br />for a report as to what has been done by the Department. <br />
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