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11/13/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/13/1984 Council Minutes
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044 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />November 13, 1984 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Jensen and Mrs. Apitz also met with Blaine Police Chief Hogie <br />and City Administration, Richard Johnson. Chief Hogie felt sharing <br />a police chief was ridiculous and had no comment on contracting <br />for county coverage. In regard to the Blaine Police Department <br />merging with the Lino Lakes Police Department, they felt Lino <br />Lakes was too large and had too great a potential for growth and <br />would not consider this merger. <br />Mr. Jensen said Mr. McKenna would report on the possibility of <br />county coverage and the Task Force's recommendation. Mr. Jensen <br />also noted that the Task Force did check with the City of Andover <br />who currently contracts with the county for 16 hours of service <br />with two cars. Andover is planning to start their own department <br />within the next two years. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the forthcoming decision from the Task Force <br />is a majority decision. Mr. Jensen said there were two members <br />absent, it is the majority decision of the members who were present. <br />ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />A. VFW Gambling License - Mr. Hawkins explained the Circle Lex <br />VFW had requested a second gambling license at the October <br />22, 1984 Council meeting. To give Mr. Hawkins time to check <br />into the state statutes on this matter, the Council had tabled <br />the item until this meeting. Now the VFW has withdrawn their <br />request for the second gambling license and the VFW Women's <br />Auxiliary applied for the license. Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to <br />approve the license for the VFW Women's Auxiliary. Mr. <br />Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />B. Lions Club Bingo Permit - The application had been delivered <br />to City Hall after closing today and Mr. Hawkins had just re- <br />viewed it. Both the City Code and state statutes require that <br />the Council hold bingo license requests for 30 days before <br />taking action on the request. Mr. Marier suggested that a <br />letter be written to the Lions Club explaining this condition. <br />PRESENTATION BY CHARLES CAPE CONCERNING WARNINGS AND COMMUNICATION <br />SYSTEMS <br />Mr. Cape, Director of the Lino Lakes Civil Defense explained that <br />the law requires the mayor of each city must inform the people of <br />natural disasters. He presented some material prepared by the <br />State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency <br />Services regarding warning sirens, their cost, placement and sound <br />levels. Fifteen sirens would be required to totally cover Lino Lakes <br />and the minimum cost would be around $105,000. <br />Mr. Cape suggested that the City provide each residence (approxi- <br />mately 1,600) with a weather emergency alert radio at a cost of <br />$26 - $28 per radio. The total cost would be approximately $45,000 <br />
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