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12/10/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/10/1984 Council Minutes
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066 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />Page Two December 10, 1984 <br />CONSIDERATION OF STREET LIGHTING POLICY, RECOMMENDATION ON PETITION <br />FOR STREET LIGHT AT DIANNE STREET AND LAKE DRIVE - RESOLUTION #35 -84 <br />Mr. Volk had prepared a letter and Resolution #35 - 84 regarding <br />street lighting. He also showed a map of Lino Lakes indicating <br />where street lights are presently in place and where they should <br />be placed in the future. There are over 100 intersections in <br />Lino Lakes presently without street lights. <br />Mr. Volk said most cities install street lights on a petition <br />basis until they are more developed. They then develop some <br />specific policy. He would like to install street lights on this <br />same basis. He felt it could be costly to set a policy for instance <br />that would require the above mentioned street lights to be installed <br />in the next five years. There are some areas which do not want <br />or need street lights. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Volk if he was recommending the petition <br />policy. Mr. Volk said yes. BCA has determined that street lights <br />do not deter crime significantly and the Minnesota Department <br />of Transportion has determined that street lights do not decrease <br />the incidence of accidents at intersections. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if the City should have a plan where street <br />lights are desired when a particular request comes in. Mr. Bohjanen <br />felt the Resolution would take care of this problem. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adopt Resolution #35 - 84 and dispense with <br />the reading. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mayor Benson asked about the petition from the area of Dianne <br />Street and Lake Drive. Mr. Volk said the area meets the requirements <br />of Resolution #35 - 84. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize Mr. Volk to place street lights <br />where he or the City Engineer determine them to be the most effective. <br />Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Resolution in its entirety is found on the following page of <br />these minutes. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE SENIOR CENTER COUNCIL <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that the Council has already designated <br />approximately $7,300 for the COmmunity Development Grant Fund <br />for start up costs in the Senior Center. Of this $7,300 approxi- <br />mately $3,000 has been designated for a coordinator. The Senior <br />Council has recommended that Margaret Smith be endorsed by the <br />Council. She has submitted her resume and is 'a Lino Lakes City <br />resident with previous experience with a senior group. Mr. Bohjanen <br />moved to approve Mrs. SMith as coordinator. Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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