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08/12/1985 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
08/12/1985 Council Minutes (2)
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066` <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />August 12, 1985 <br />Page Three <br />Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF THE MSA FIVE YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM <br />Mr. Davidson explained that this program must be provided to the <br />State MSA Office by August 15, 1985. He has prepared a five year <br />construction program for Lino Lakes and the Council has copies of <br />this program. Mr. Davidson expects $1,645,964.00 to be available <br />from State Aid Funds for use in Lino Lakes. His program is as fol- <br />lows: 1985 - 4th Avenue, acquire right -of -way, grading, base, and <br />storm water control; 1986 - 4th Avenue, initial bituminous surface; <br />1987 - 2nd Avenue, acquire right -of -way, grading, base, and storm <br />water control; 1988 - 2nd Avenue, initial bituminous surface; 1989 - <br />Ware Road, acquire right -of -way, grading, base, and storm water con- <br />trol; 1990 - Ware Road, initial bituminous surface. Mr. Davidson <br />told the Council this plan will be reviewed by the Council and Staff <br />each year and can be amended at that time. In addition more mileage <br />will be designated as state aid roadway each year. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the MSA Five Year Construction Program <br />as presented by Mr. Davidson. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />ENGINEERS REPORT <br />A. Consideration of Water Supply Evaluation in Reshanau Lake Area - <br />Mr. Davidson had presented a proposal to the Council on a study of <br />the inplace water supply in the Country Lakes Area. He has prepared <br />an authorization for the study but did not have it with him. The <br />purpose of the study will be to determine what is the present water <br />supply, what are the immediate needs for residential use and fire <br />protection, what is the present unit (when expect to run out of wa- <br />ter) and what is needed to upgrade the present system, add more <br />storage, another well, use the lot to the south etc. Mr. Davidson <br />expected this study to take four to six weeks. <br />Mr. Reinert recalled that some time ago he had heard that the present <br />water system could serve a given number of homes. He suggested that <br />the Council could place a moratorium on construction of new homes <br />until the study is concluded. This situation could jeopardize the <br />homes that are presently in the area. Mr. Davidson said he did not <br />think that the situation was such as to warrant a moratorium. <br />Mayor Benson asked if the study proposed by Mr. Davidson would show <br />the Council how many homes could be served by the present water sys- <br />tem, what should be done in terms of future homes and what kind of <br />storage or additional wells would be needed and be more economical. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the study as proposed by Mr. Davidson <br />and at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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