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09/30/1985 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
09/30/1985 Council Minutes (2)
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120 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />September 30, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />Mayor Benson explained some problems Lino Lakes is experiencing <br />regarding splitting Lots and areas of marginal development. Mayor <br />Wedel explained there are some difficult choices to make. There <br />were undevelopable areas that the City had to "eat up" some assess- <br />ment. He also explained how two lots were divided to create a <br />third lot so that each lot owner could sell a portion of his lot <br />to recoup some of the costs of installing utilities. Shoreview <br />also created a Source and Supply Fund to help pay for the water <br />system by charging a water availability charge. <br />Mayor Wedell noted that Lino Lakes will not have much develop- <br />ment in the Baldwin Lake area until sewer is available. He also <br />felt neither Ramsey or Anoka Counties would do much to improve <br />County Road J (Ash Street) until all sewer and water lines were <br />installed. In addition Metro would not consider installing a <br />trunk sewer line until a need is demonstrated. Therefore, a <br />development plan for this area should be completed and forwarded <br />to Metro to let them know when a larger facility will be needed. <br />Mayor Wedell explained a concern Shoreview has regarding next <br />years construction projects. Three railroad overpasses will be <br />under construction next summer. This could cause traffic prob- <br />lems for both Shoreview and Lino Lakes. He said there is an <br />overhead light scheduled for County Road J (Ash Street) and <br />Hodgson Road for 1986. <br />Mayor Benson asked what Shoreview's policy is regarding accepting <br />streets in new developments. Mayor Wedell explained Shoreview re- <br />quires a seven ton road, 32' width roadway and an escrow deposit <br />that will cover such things as seal coating. <br />Mayor Benson asked when does Shoreview require the developer to <br />install the blacktop on a new road, when the majority of new homes <br />are constructed or before any homes are constructed? It was ex- <br />plained from a public safety viewpoint, when the base is completed, <br />sewer and water lines are in place, curb, gutter installed and the <br />first lift of blacktop is in place, new home construction can be- <br />gin. The final lift of blacktop can wait for about a year. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if Shoreview requires a developers agreement and <br />what percent is required. It was explained that there is a develop- <br />ers agreement with the requirement of 125% on all phases of con- <br />struction (street lights, street signs, boulevards, etc.). Mr. <br />Davidson asked what is required where improvements are put in un- <br />der Chapter 429, assessment projects. Mayor Wedell explained <br />Shoreview finances the project 100% with no letter of credit by <br />bonding the project. <br />Mayor Benson asked if the City had problems getting developers to <br />comply with the 125% requirement. Mayor Wedell said no, he believes <br />if the City requirements are large enough it will keep marginal de- <br />velopers out of the City. <br />
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