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12/09/1985 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/09/1985 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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21,4 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />December 9, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Hawkins told the Council there could be some land owners <br />who do not wish to obtain a portion of that Outlot. Mr. Toddie <br />said the replat could take this into consideration and plat so <br />that the Outlot would be divided between only those who want it. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the Building Inspector could visit each af- <br />fected landowner and get a committment from them since we know <br />the approximate price. Mr. Schumacher suggested holding an in- <br />formational meeting at City Hall. <br />Mr. Marier moved to send a letter to all the abutting owners and <br />invite them to a meeting. In the mean time Mr. Schumacher is to <br />have Commissioner Langfeld give him an estimate of the cost of <br />the property so that there will be a total cost available for <br />the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT - BOB TODDIE <br />A. Discussion of Vadnais Area Watershed Maintenance Organization <br />Plan - Mr. Toddie has already reviewed the draft plan and has sub - <br />mitted his comments. He felt the plan was workable and the re- <br />strictions and requirements did not seem to make development diffi- <br />cult and follows guidelines for reviewing for 100 floods. <br />Subdivision Amendments - Street Standards - Mr. Volk explained <br />that ideas brought out at the last Council Meeting were incor- <br />porated into this draft. The changes include: 302.05, Occupancy <br />Permits will not be issued until the binder course as defined in <br />Section 302.07 is in place; 302.07, subdivision 3 is totally new <br />and should include that when 80% of the housing units in the de- <br />velopment are substantially complete; 302.05, subdivision 4, change <br />seal coating to take place two years after the wearing course in- <br />stallation and to use a torpedo type rock with the seal coating; <br />302.08 Warranty, the second paragraph had been changed to stipu- <br />late that the letter of credit can be reduced as work is completed <br />and accepted. <br />The last paragraph dealing with issuing building permits and occu- <br />pancy permits does not have a subdivision number. He was not sure <br />where this should be placed. Mr. Toddie noted there would be no <br />restriction on the number of models to be built. The restriction <br />is on occupancy permits. <br />Mr. Reinert was concerned about sediment and erosion control. He <br />suggested recommending that a sodding program for the residences <br />be made. <br />Marier suggested adding Subdivision 15 giving a specific time <br />for lawns and landscaping to be established even though subdivision <br />9 does address some of this problem. He further suggested that <br />the time limit be the first growing season after occupancy and make <br />the final draft for the next meeting for Council action. <br />
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