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02/11/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/11/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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62 <br />February 11, 1980 <br />Lakes. After some discussion, the only change was the effective dat of <br />beginning. This lease is to begin January 1, 1980. Mr. Jaworski moved to <br />approve this lease agreement with the correction of the starting date. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The proposed developer's agreement was considered. Mr. Kulaszewicz felt <br />that something simplier could do the same job. Mayor Gourley felt a check <br />list could be compiled and do the same job. Mr. McLean felt that all <br />should be handled the same way - with the same consistency. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved not to adopt this developer's agreement and intruct Mr. Schumacher <br />to develop a check list for plats. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />There was discussion on the new City limit signs. The County has a machine <br />and has agreed to make signs for this City. The signs will contain "City <br />of Lino Lakes' with the Chain of Lakes. The size and materials and how the <br />sign will look was questioned. Mr. Volk will get a drawing and present at <br />the next Council meeting. Mr. Volk will also prepare a list of locations <br />and sign sizes for Council consideration. <br />The Contract for Animal Control was discussed. This is with Blaine Midway <br />All Pets. The only change is an increase of 0.50 in the boarding charge. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve this contract. Secon ded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />The matter of setting a public hearing on the issuing of $650,000.00 <br />Industrial Revenue Bonds was next on the agenda. Mr. Merry had not arrived <br />as yet. There was discussion on what these bonds are to be used for and <br />how this City becomes involved. <br />Mr. McLean felt that there is no designation of what the project is to <br />be or haw the bonds are to be used. <br />Mr. Merry arrived and proceeded to explain the functions of this issue. <br />He is with Juran & Moody and that firm has been retained to arrange fin- <br />ancing for Rite -Way Waterproofing. The plas of the company are to move <br />out of the existing building and construct a new building of approximately <br />13,000 square feet. He felt this priject will be scaled down. The proposal <br />to this City is for the City to issue a $650,000.00 single issue note. <br />This si secured by Mortage, notes, etc. <br />Mr. Merry explained there are four steps the City must get involved with; <br />1) the calling of a public hearing and must be published in two papers, <br />ten days before the nearing and all materials msut be on file with the City <br />before this hearing, 2) the City will need to issue a letter stating the <br />project is feasible, 3) the Council will need to execute a Resolution <br />giving preliminary approval of the project; 4) A Resolution giving final <br />approval of the project. This process will take approximately 60 days. <br />Mr. Merry outlined the nenefits to the City and to the Company. With- <br />out this type of financing the pronect cannot be carried out. This will <br />improve now vacant land, create a tax base for the City and create a job <br />market. <br />Mr. Merry emphazied the City is not responsible for any costs incurred in <br />the project - all costs are assessed to Rite -Way Waterproofing. The City <br />is also not responsible for the repayment of this loan. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked if a representative from the Bond Council would be <br />
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