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04/14/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/14/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 14, 1980 <br />Mr. Schumacher said the Planning Commission had gone over this request and <br />had read the Ordinance restricting the placement of mobile homes. He <br />pointed out that a mobile home is allowed while a home is being constructed. <br />Mr. Elsenpeter felt that the only difference between a modular and a mobile <br />home is the wheels. She wondered if, modular are allowed, would there be <br />a reason for not allowing bobiles. The Ordinance does not address modular <br />homes. <br />Mr. McLean saidthe problem with mobile homes is there cannot be an on- <br />site inspection. This would be of concern to this Council. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there had been a variance application submitted to <br />the Planning and Zoning and Mr. Schumacher saind, No, Mayor Gourley advised <br />Mrs. Illg that would be the place to start. <br />Mr. Scumacher felt this should be handled through a special use permit <br />application. In this form, limitations could be set and monitored. Mrs. <br />Illg was advised to proceed in this manner. <br />The next item to be considered was the Special Use Permit by Mr. Henry <br />Suchy. Mayor Gourley noted that a letter had been sent of Mr. Suchy along <br />with a special use permit form. Mr. Suchy had returned the special use <br />permit as an inventory of the livestock he has on his land at this point <br />in time. <br />This special use permit should have been for anon- conforming use. Mayor <br />Gourley told Mr. Suchy that he should have the signatures of the person <br />who own lands within 350' of his property. Mr. Suchy felt that his land <br />is surrounded by lands owned by Mr. Nadeau or relatives and no one would <br />sign this form. <br />Mayor Gourley answered Mr. Suchy's question on the size of the land noting <br />that, in order to be classified as a farm, it it necessary to have five <br />acres with 300' frontage. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that Mr. Nadeau had used the site as the center of <br />his farming operations. He had operated on 100+ acres at the time. Mr. <br />Nadeau pointed out that there had been no cattle raising on his farm. <br />Mr. McLean said that was not mentioned - Mr. Nadeau sold the house and <br />barn with five acres of land to Mr. Suchy and Mr. Nadeau agreed. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out the section in the Ordinance requiring any new <br />farming operation to be issued a special use permit. He felt that this <br />Council needs a legal opinion from Mr. Locher in order for this Council <br />to make a decision. Mr. McLean moved this be tabled, a legal opinion from <br />Mr. Locher, find out what the pre- existing use was and what the legal <br />aspects of this is and make a decision. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion <br />delcared carried with Mayor Gourley voting, No. <br />Mr. Peter Kluegel gave a brief report on the Rules and Regulations of <br />WPC -40. He stated there have been very few changes. The sizing of the <br />drainfields has been changed to reflect the volumn rather than the number <br />of bedrooms. The depth of the drainfields has been lessened. The footage <br />above the water table has changed from a four foot requirement to a three <br />foot requirement. In problem soils, alternate systems are to be installed. <br />
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