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04/14/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/14/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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April 14, 1980 <br />Mr. McLean asked if there was any requirements as to the monitoring of <br />the systems and Mr. Kluegel said the pumping is monitored. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adkpt WPC -40 by reference abolishing that portion of <br />the State Code that had been adopted by rederence. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A recess was called. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30 P.M. and the Public <br />Hearing on the amendement to Ordinance #56 dealing with the sizes of accessory <br />building was called to order. Mr. Schumacher presented the affadivate of <br />publication. He pointed out the suggested changes - the first building <br />would be limited to 750 square feet and the second building to 150 square <br />feet. This would apply to residential areas only, single family dwellings. <br />The other residential areas were discussed - it was felt they may possibly <br />have to be included. Mayor Gourley questioned this in reference to multi- <br />family - he felt there the garages tend to be long, possibly underground, <br />buildings with 8 to 20 stalls on each side. It was felt there was a need <br />for special language to'deal with this sutuation. <br />Mr. Kluegel said this would not apply to agricultural builings but would <br />apply to other uses regardless of land area. The State Buiding code allows <br />a maximum of 1000 square feet. <br />There was discussion of the many aspects of this proposal and some questions <br />from the audience were answered, with the suggestion that the upper limit be <br />cahnged from 750 square feet to 1000 square feet. <br />The subject of the hangers in the Lino Air Park plat was discussed. It was <br />felt this could be dealt with as a separate issue. One of the concerns <br />was that accessory building should not be larger than the primary building. <br />Mayor Gourley gelt that some language to this affect should be added. <br />Mr. McLean moved this be tabled until this Ordinance is amended to in- <br />clude the various aspects discussed this evening. The Hearing to be con- <br />tinued until April 28, 1980 at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />declared passed. Mayor Gourley asked that anyone who has any ideas on this <br />amendment, please submit to the offices to the attention of Mr. Schumacher. <br />-*The next item to be considered was the discussion of applying for a LAWCON <br />Grant. Mr. Schumacher reported that the Park Board has a working session <br />to discuss this matter. The application would be for the use of developing <br />the Country Lakes Park. Mr. Schumacher pointed out some of the criteria <br />for qualifying for this type of grant. The Park Board recommended a boat <br />landing for passive use such as canoe and sailing - a picnic area and open <br />areas for unstructured use. Mr. Schumacher flet there would be a major <br />cost to do the dredging needed for a beach area. It is possible to obtain <br />a grant for 50% or perhaps 75%, but the City would have to supply the re- <br />maining portion. Mr. Schumacher said the Council would need to make a <br />decision on the use of the funds now in the dedicated park funds. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out this fund has been ear marked for the building pro- <br />posed for the City Hall Park. He wondered how many ways this money could <br />be split. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out this is a time consuming process to complete <br />this application and he wanted the Council to be aware of what is involved. <br />This is a preliminary application and a second one will need to be com- <br />pleted bofore it is considered by Metro. <br />
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