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05/27/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/27/1980 Council Minutes
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000102 <br />Council Minutes <br />May 27, 1980 <br />into compliance with the law. Mr. Jaworski moved to approve this. <br />Ordinance. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />This Ordinance will be number 74, and shall be effective from date of <br />passage and publication. <br />The Ordinance for the adoption of WPC -40 was presented by Mr. Locher <br />"The rules and regulations that were adopted by the Council with the <br />assistance of the Building Official and City Clerk- Treasurer" - changed <br />to read as above. This Ordinance enforces the existing ordinances and <br />these ordinance were not repealed. There is also a penalty section <br />to this Ordinance - No. 53B, as is not required. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to adopt this Ordinance - No. 53B, as corrected. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 73 was called to order. This deals <br />with the keeping of animals. This would repeal Ordinances #26 and 26A <br />and brings this into line with Ordinance #56. <br />This sets forth the difference between domestic animals and household <br />animals for pets. There is an adjustment needed in the language dealing f <br />with animals in a residential area. The discussion was opened up for comments <br />from the audience. <br />Mrs. Grace Turene asked to clarify a point on the acreage allowed in a <br />residential areas. <br />Mr. Robert Turene said he didn't understand the 10 acres requirement. <br />Mayor Gourley said that under #56 it is necessary to have 10 acres. He <br />did not agree with •the ten acre requirement, they would like to see this <br />changed to 22 acres from 10 acres. <br />Shelia Rehbein would ask that all restrictions on the number of animals <br />be eliminated. Also, no restrictions on the size of the parcel on which <br />the animals are kept - as long as they are cared for properly. <br />Ginger - suggested that the 5 acres be kept. She questioned how this <br />would affect the resale of her property if this ordinance is passed. Mayor <br />Gourley said her situation would not change, as long as the operation was <br />not changed or intensified. <br />Terry Smith felt that 5 acres is sufficient for large animals, she also <br />felt that the Counci has no right to restrict the number of animals. She <br />felt that with five acres that the owner can properly care for a number <br />of animals. <br />Robert Smeed felt there should not be any restrictions. He felt that a <br />horse could be kept on one acre. <br />Mary Ann Eckert felt the proposed ordinance was too restrictive. She <br />questioned the keeping of poultry. <br />Mayor Gourley pointed out that the proposed ordinance is less restrictive <br />than the one this is currently in force. <br />Robert Gray questioned the restriction on the smaller animals. He felt <br />that to restrict a person with five acres to one pair of rabbits is unfair. <br />
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