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07/28/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/28/1980 Council Minutes
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10/17/2014 3:22:10 PM
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Council Minutes
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July 28, 1980 <br />14� <br />He explained how this is handled and noted that the funds come from HUD <br />and the number of persons who receive assistance is governed by the funds <br />available from the Federal Government. <br />Mr. Katzung presented a slide program expaining the process of qualifying <br />for this program and answered questions from the Council on this program. <br />He explained there is a waiting list and at some point in time, they do <br />cease taking applications. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked if the'people say where they want to live or does <br />this agency seek rental property. Mr. Katzung said it works both ways. <br />It is appreciated whn property owners come to them stating they have <br />rental property for this purpose. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to adopt the following Resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has been duly orgainzed pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutes 473.06, Subd. 21, Subd 1, and Section 24, and has all <br />of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority <br />pursuant to Laws 1975, Chapter 13, Section 24 under the provisions of <br />the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes Section <br />462.411 to 462.711, and acts amendatory thereof: <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes and the Metropolitan Council desire to <br />assist lower income families and individulas to obtain adequate housing <br />in the City of Lino Lakes at a price they can afford, and to accomplish <br />this purpose desire to apply for Federal fujds to undertake a program <br />of subsidizing rent payments to landlords who provide adequate adequate <br />housing to such individuals and families. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BI IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LINO LAKES that the Metro- <br />politan Council is hereby authorized to include the City of Lino Lakes <br />in its application for Federal funds to implement a program of rental <br />assistance to lower income families and individuals, and that upon <br />Dederal approval of such application, the City of Lino Lakes and the <br />Metropolitan Councilwill enter into an agreement for operating the pro- <br />gram within the City. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously.. <br />A Mr. Pat MacFarland, from Anoka County, was to have been at this meeting <br />but due to the reclassification of Anoka County, there will be more monies <br />available for rehabilitation of homes and the new rules and regulations <br />have not been established at this point in time. Mr. MacFarland will re- <br />schedule his appearance.. <br />The Public Hearing on the consideration of Special Use Permits and Rezonings <br />was called to order at 9:15 P.M. The list of rezoning to remain as zoned <br />and to be checked for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan was considered. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted that the zoning for Randy and Gary Rehbein is located <br />in a Rural area; the Marlin Rygh property, W &G Rehbein property and DX <br />Sunray property all located at the intersection of Co. Rd.14 and 135E. <br />Forest Tagg property located in an industrial zone; Walbon & Schmitz <br />located in Multi- family; Feed Rite in an Industrial Zone. Mr. Schumacher <br />pointed out, if these zonings do not conform to the Comprehensive Plan, <br />then, either the zoning or the Plan will have to be changed. <br />On the special use permits to be clairfied - Miller Cabinet Shop is now a <br />residence; Alfred Stafki - wants to keep his special use permit; Mr. Klenck <br />was present to discuss his special use permit. Mr. Kluegel said he had <br />
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