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01/19/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/19/1981 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 2:17:36 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />January 19, 1981 <br />statement is for the replacement of 30 feet of curb and gutter that was ripped out <br />when the service was restored. This invoice is for $390.00 from Milner Carley - <br />contractor is Albertson. <br />() ( F7 <br />vti f <br />There was discussion on this problem with Mr. Schumacher noting that MWCC is holding <br />over $4000.00 of payment to the City because the City withheld the $1390.00 paid for <br />the repair of the sewer service. Mr. Schumacher felt it would be cheaper for the <br />City to pay these bills and get the money for the lift station. <br />Mr. Locher reported that he has tried to reach the contractor, Northdale Construction, <br />but has not been able to make contact as yet. He felt this matter should have been <br />turned over to their insurance company. Mr. Locher said he did not feel that the <br />City has a legal right to withhold the money from MWCC. Mr. Schumacher felt the con - <br />fusion results from not knowing who Northdale was under contract to when the service <br />was disconnected. <br />Mr. Volk said he had a letter from Northdale saying, that if he did rip out that stub, <br />he was told to do so. Mr.Locher asked for a copy of this letter. <br />Mayor Gourley suggested that this matter be cleared with MWCC - the Clerk is to mail <br />a check for $1390.00 to the MWCC to be recorded as SAC. This is to be paid by sep- <br />erate check. <br />On the matter of the $390.00 for the replacement of the curbs and gutters, Mr. Locher <br />asked who hired the contractor, Mr. Meister felt.the instructions came from the Council - <br />this was to get Totem Trail repaired - and the curbs and gutters were part of the re- <br />pairs. <br />The Council authorized the Mayor to sign the check for this work upon the advise of <br />Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. Locher said the only matter he had, that had not been discussed already, was the <br />matter of Mr. Crouse who wants to split one - five acre parcel and one - two and one - <br />half parcel to sell to existing property owners for the addition to their land. Mr. <br />Locher said he had informed Mr. Crouse that he would need a variance because neither <br />parcel has any frontage on a street. <br />Mr.1 Schumacher said that Mr. Crouse, will be applying for two variances and he is <br />scheduled to appear before the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />The resignation of Paul Borovansky was discussed. Mr. Locher said he was concerned <br />about the manner in which the implication of some agreement had been worked out. <br />Mr. McLean asked if Paul Borovansky was laid off and Mr. Schumacher said he was not <br />laid off. Mr. Volk informed the Council of Mr. Borovansky's working schedule. <br />Mr. Volk said that Mr. Borovansky had not been laid off, he usually works full time in <br />the summer months, 20 to'-24 hour week during flooding of the rinks and after that`is <br />over, Mr. Borovansky is laid off for about 2 months. <br />Mr., McLean felt that Mr. Borovansky had just resigned and he has the same status of any- <br />one else applying for the position. Mr. McLean could respond by accepting just his <br />resignation. <br />Mr. Volk said Mr. Borovansky had called to say that he was resigning and that he would <br />
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