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08/27/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/27/1986 Council Minutes
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10/22/2014 3:08:42 PM
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10/22/2014 12:47:14 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />185 <br />2I AL JOINT HE_..T:iV'3 <br />v H- s = ..ha._ r e c:c feel this additional <br />a_ <br />cost shouted be considered _ "cost overrun", because this work as <br />recteo by the task force although _r was :iot anticipated and thus <br />J_ included in the original estimate for t ne project. <br />. <br />McLean asked Mr. Wuornos if Wuornos & Associates would be <br />le_ .ng to guarantee the $3,000 figure to complete the project. <br />first Mr. Wuornos said yes, if the project could be completed <br />in two more meetings. Mr. more meetings is what <br />he felt would be necessary. Mr. Wuornos then agreed to guarantee <br />-_•_e 53,000 figure to complete the project including up to four <br />__e meetings of the task force. <br />..a w-cr Benson asked if the task force feels that they have diaested <br />the report -from Net Council regarding services. Mr. McLean and Mr. <br />Joyer stated that they do feel that the task force understands the <br />tand taken by .the Net Council. Mr. McLean said that he feels that <br />et Council is open to extensions of sewer in Lino Lakes. <br />Attendees debated their opinions as to traditional planning versus <br />non- traditional planning for development, one -acre lots versus <br />larger acre lots, services and road maintenance, - °rowth pressure, <br />e o. <br />Mayor Benson asked whether or not the task force will look a: <br />sewer extension possibilities in other parts of the City, spec_ - <br />- c� commercial yV'.r. McLean said no, this is not <br />• .� idly the .,. �nercra areas. .� . Le�__ sa�.� ..�, .. <br />.cciuded in the scope of the comp plan review at this time. <br />The C t'ZT Counci will take action on possibly amend. ng the comp <br />plan budget at their next meeting. <br />;TILDING STANDARDS PROPOSAL <br />ivir. Schumacher explained that the purpose of this portion of the <br />meeting is to discuss the proposed building standards for com- <br />arcial and industrial zones in Lino Lakes. Reference was made <br />o R. L. Wuornos Associates' memo dated 7/9/86 on this subject. <br />_r. S:.:umacher stated that one cf the ccntroveraial issues which <br />has come to his attention is within (G)_.(3)(i), Page 3 of the <br />referenced memo, wherein the proposal stat -mss "No building shall <br />constructed with a wood frame or have an exterior wall surface <br />s eet metal ." <br />Me. ,ers of the P & Z Eoard stated that although the 'Inc wood <br />=.came" aspect was not a specific requirement when the planner <br />asked to draft a proposal, the Board did realize that the <br />c wood frame" aspect had been included in the planner's draft. <br />Several persons in t. e audience were opposed to the proposal <br />tor the following rea.sons . <br />
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