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05/11/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1987 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />099 <br />WAYS AND MEANS COUNCIL MEETING MAY 11, 1987 <br />Comparable Worth plan could be implemented in steps. Mr. Schumahcer <br />said yes, the Council only has to show that there is a plan in place <br />and the plan is being implemented. The inequities do not have to be <br />made up in 1987. <br />It was decided to complete the evaluations for all employees that fell <br />within the correct sequence of the Comparable Worth program. <br />Chief Dean Campbell - Mr. Marier moved to increase Mr. Campbell's <br />salary 5% or $1,720 for 1987 to $36,120. Mr. Bisel seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bisel moved to approve Mr. Schumacher's recommendation for Public <br />Works Director, Don Volk for a 4% increase or $1,366.00 to $35,525. <br />Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve Mr. Schumacher's recommendation plus <br />$50.00 for Building Inspector, Pete Kluet{'el for an increase of 2.2% or <br />$600 to $28,059. Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve the recommendation for Police Clerk, <br />Josephine Goodwin for an increase of 5% or $764 to $16,044. Mr. Bisel <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Benson noted <br />that she is doing an excellent job especially since some aspects of <br />the job may not always be pleasant. He noted he would like to see a <br />larger increase. <br />Dan Tesch, Administrative Assistant - There was discussion so that the <br />Council understood that they could bring this position in line with <br />the Comparable Worth by a step method. It was noted that this could <br />be done on a two or three year basis so that at the end of that period <br />the pay would be up to entry level. The Council only must show that a <br />good faith effort is being made to bring the salaries into sequence. <br />In regard to Mr. Tesch, Mayor Benson suggested that since $3,000 would <br />be required to bring his salary into sequence the Council could give <br />an increase of $1,000 each of the next three years and also give his <br />percent increase based on the current salary now and then next year <br />based on the salary plus $1,000. After further discussion Mr. Bisel <br />suggested that the increase could be made $500 every six months. Mr. <br />Marier noted that this would be automatic and create no incentive. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted that Comparable Worth should be handled on a <br />positive basis and should be separate from evaluation. Mr. Bisel said <br />the plan he suggested could be amended at the next evaluation <br />providing there is money in the budget. There was further discussion <br />as to what percent should be added to the base salary for evaluation <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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