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COUNCIL MEETING 0 0 2 yA <br />September 8, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />Mayor Benson asked Mrs. Langfeld if the County is anticipating a <br />mill rate increase in 1987. She said at this point they are look- <br />ing at a 5 mill increase but expects this to be reduced because <br />there has been a healthy increase in the County assessed valuation. <br />She noted there has been a dramatic reduction in state and federal <br />funding for the County. <br />Mayor Benson asked if the County is planning any new projects. Mrs. <br />Langfeld explained the situation regarding the solid waste plans for <br />the County and said the PCA is being very uncooperative and ignoring <br />all other experts. This is taking a lot of staff time. There are <br />plans to build a new highway building which will be located in Bun- <br />ker Park near the present site. <br />Mr. Volk told Mrs. Langfeld of the rumor being circulated regarding <br />the County selling lots out of the Chain of Lakes Park. Mrs. Langfeld <br />said no truth to this rumor and Mr. Torkildson has indi- <br />cated he has no idea how this started. She indicated that the County <br />does not have the authority to sell any portions of the property. <br />There was discussion regarding the construction of an interchange at <br />Main Street (County #14) and 35W because of the expected use of the <br />Chain of Lakes Park. Mrs. Langfeld suggested the City contact Sena- <br />"'tor Durenburger who is a member of the Senate Transportation Commi- <br />ttee and enlist his aid on this project. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adopt Resolution #38 -86. Mr. Bohjanen seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. Mrs. Anderson read the resolu- <br />tion. <br />1 <br />RESOLUTION #38 - 86 <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE INSTALLATION OF A FREEWAY INTERCHANGE AT <br />THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY /STATE AID HIGHWAY 14, AND INTERSTATE 35W. <br />WHEREAS: In 1974 Anoka County acquired approximately 2,500 acres <br />within the City of Lino Lakes for the purpose of estab- <br />lishing a regional park and <br />WHEREAS: Anoka County has annually received Metropolitan Council <br />funds for the development for this Regional Park System <br />and <br />WHEREAS: With these funds Anoka County has established within <br />the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park picnic, <br />camping areas, hiking trail systems, swimming beach <br />area, access roads, boat access and a golf course, and <br />