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09/22/1986 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/22/1986 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />September 22, 1986 0 1 8 <br />Page Two <br />Mr. Cheesebrough - 7655 -4th Avenue asked about assessments. Mayor <br />IBenson explained this was not an assessment hearing, just an improve- <br />ment hearing and the exact assessment has not been decided. However, <br />the Council has considered an assessment of $500.00 for each property. <br />Mr. Davidson outlined how the ditch cleaning project will be financed <br />including $10,000.00 from Anoka County and $9,600.00 from RCWD. Since <br />there is unfinished work in Sherwood Green there is an anticipated <br />assessment of $500.00 per lot in that area as well as along 4th Avenue. <br />Julie LeBlond - 7865 -4th Avenue - Mrs. LeBlond read a statement re- <br />garding the proposed easement over her property to County Ditch #22. <br />She and her husband have met with the City Engineer and City Attor- <br />ney to resolve the issues raised by this proposed easement and its <br />effect on their property should they decide to subdivide in the fut- <br />ure. She felt that this was not a standard situation and asked the <br />Council to resolve the issue and insure they will have no significant <br />loss. Mr. Hawkins described the result of the meeting. The City <br />Engineer had suggested placing a street over the drainage pipe so <br />that there would not be a loss of property at the time of subdivis- <br />ion. The Engineer will have further information for the LeBlond's <br />in two or three days. <br />Don Hoeft Representing Molin Concrete and the Victoria Company - <br />Mr. Hoeft explained the notice received by his clients indicated the <br />total cost of the project was $731,000.00. He has heard tonight that <br />possibly $80,000.00 to $90,000.00 will not be funded by the state <br />aid fund and could be assessed to the property owners. He asked if <br />the total cost of the project included easement acquisition. Mr. <br />Stahlberg said there was an estimated amount in this figure for ease- <br />ment acquisition. If easement acquisition costs are higher than est- <br />imated, the -total cost to be assessed could be higher.. <br />Mr. Hoeft asked if this drainage project goes beyond the 4th Avenue, <br />Sherwood Green area. Mr. Davidson explained that this watershed-area <br />extends north into Columbus Township and west into Blaine. This pro- <br />posed project is not designed to handle additional flow from these <br />areas, only to manage the waters already in the area. The County <br />engineer has told the Council that when Main Street is improved in <br />1987 the drainage from the north will go west into that ditch system. <br />The improvement in the drainage south of Main Street is designed to <br />benefit that area only. <br />Mr. Hoeft asked what will be assessed to the Victoria Company and Molin <br />Concrete? Mayor Benson explained this is not an assessment hearing. <br />When final costs are known an assessment hearing will be held and <br />final assessments will be known. At this time an estimated assess- <br />ment figure is $500.00 per lot. <br />1 <br />
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