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02/23/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1987 Council Minutes
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10/28/2014 12:09:09 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MINUTES <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Tews just what he is requesting of the Council. <br />Mr. Tews said he wanted a culvert in the ditch so that he could drive <br />his tractor to the other side for farming purposes without cost to <br />himself. Mayor Benson said he would have the situation researched and <br />will get back to Mr. Tews. <br />Ron Conway, 6280 Red Maple Lane - Mr. Conway explained he had <br />submitted several questions regarding the South Reshanau Lake Shores <br />plat to Mr. Stahlberg at the January 28, 1987 Council meeting. To <br />date he has not heard from Mr. Stahlberg regarding the answers to <br />these questions. Mr. Stahlberg explained he had answered Mr. Conway <br />with a letter and copies of the letter were sent to Mr. Schumacher and <br />Mayor Benson. Mr. Stahlberg left the Council chamber to discuss this <br />matter further. <br />Arnie Ficocello, representing D. Erickson Home Builders explained to <br />the Council that Erickson Home Builders are considering purchasing the <br />Ulmer's 4th Addition and applying for a final plat of the area. They <br />understand that there has been a problem with securing the proper <br />right -of -way easements. Mr. Ficocello asked the Council if Erickson <br />purchased the property and Mr. Ulmer dropped his lawsuit, would the <br />Council be willing to review the plat and if so how long would the <br />process take. They are looking at construction in the area this year <br />and build in two stages, completing the north portion first. Mayor <br />Benson explained some of the problems experienced with the original <br />preliminary plat and noted that since there is a different builder and <br />the original had not been approved, the Planning and Zoning Board <br />would have to review the matter. Mr. Marier explained the original <br />concept had been acceptable to the Council but since the plat is now <br />proposed to be developed in stages the Planning and Zoning Board would <br />definitely have to give their input. <br />Mr. Ficocello asked if the developer of a certain parcel of property <br />could hire his own contractor and build the roads and install the <br />sanitary facilities or would the City require that the issue be bonded <br />and built by the City. Mayor Benson explained if the contractor <br />financed the improvements himself, he could also install the <br />facilities himself. However, installation would have to meet all City <br />requirements. In this particular area, the main line would have to be <br />constructed down 2nd. Avenue and this may cause a problem because all <br />the landowners along this street would have to agree to this method of <br />installation. <br />Mr. Ficocello was told to bring the matter to the Planning and Zoning <br />Board and then a time table could be worked from there. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REPORT - PETE KLUEGEL <br />Minor Subdivision, Donald McShannock - Mr. McShannock owns a ten acre <br />parcel of land fronting on Hodgson Road and running east to Ware Road. <br />He is requesting that he be allowed to subdivide this parcel into two <br />113 <br />
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