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04/25/1988 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/25/1988 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 25, 1988 <br />Mayor Benson explained the background on this item noting <br />that the last time this was on the agenda the Council had <br />requested two items to be addressed by the staff. The first <br />item was the possible extension of the platted cul -de -sac to <br />the east to the City of Centerville border. The second item <br />concerns the capacity of the lift station. <br />Mr. Stahlberg explained that he has spent a considerable <br />amount of time with the MWCC staff regarding the lift <br />station. The past capacity problem stemmed from the <br />controlled flow downstream. In 1986 MWCC completed <br />construction that will allow the flow from the Centerville <br />lift station at a faster rate during the periods of heavy <br />rain. <br />Mayor Benson noted receipt of a letter from the City of <br />Centerville to Mr. Miller regarding whether the City of <br />Centerville would extend LaMotte Circle if it were extended <br />within the plat to the eastern border. The letter said that <br />Centerville is not in favor of a commitment since <br />development of this property is not scheduled until after <br />the year 2000. Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Hawkins if this street <br />were extended to the bordor of the plat, is there anything <br />in the statutes that would require Centerville to connect to <br />this street. Mr. Hawkins said there were not assurances. <br />Mr. Stahlberg explained that the only assurance would be a <br />joint powers agreement. Mr. Bohjanen asked if the street <br />were extended to the south to the Regional Park area, would <br />this also require a joint powers agreement for future <br />extension. It was determined that a joint powers would be <br />required. <br />Mr. Bisel asked Mr. Torkildson what the term "County Road" <br />meant on the section maps. Mr. Torkildson explained that at <br />one time the Regional Park had considered putting the main <br />entrance to the regional park in that area. There is now a <br />new plan and layout. <br />A lady from the audience asked if any member of the Council <br />has been out to LaMotte Drive to view the proposed area for <br />subdivsion. All the Council Members had visited the area. <br />She expressed concern for safety of children in this area. <br />She explained that she is a nurse and has watched families <br />of injured children. She noted that the Council doesn't <br />really know how much responsibility they have. She felt <br />there was a good reason for the rule restricting the length <br />of a cul -de -sac. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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