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06/18/1990 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/18/1990 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />JUNE 18, 1990 <br />entire Lino Lakes water supply from Circle Pines. <br />4. Try to negotiate a joint powers agreement with the City of <br />Blaine. <br />Timing is a major concern. The joint powers agreement with <br />Circle Pines states that when Lino Lakes reaches 1200 water <br />users, Lino Lakes will build its own water storage facility <br />(water tower). Does it make sense to connect to the Circle Pines <br />filtration plant if Lino Lakes must build its own water tower <br />within the next couple of years? Also this City knows that it <br />will cost $1.00 per thousand gallons of water to purchase the <br />filtered water from Circle Pines. <br />Mayor Bisel asked how far away is this City from constructing its <br />own water tower? Mr. Volk estimated two (2) to 2 1/2 years. <br />Mayor Bisel asked if a major business were to build in a TIF <br />district, could TIF dollars pay for the new water tower. Mr. <br />Schumacher explained that it could not be shown that the water <br />tower would benefit the TIF business only, so only a portion of <br />the tower could be constructed with TIF dollars. <br />Mayor Bisel asked if there was property ready to be developed, <br />would this speed up the need for a new water tower? Mr. <br />Schumacher said yes, there would be more users and possibly the <br />Lino Lakes Correctinal Facility (LLCF) also hook into the system. <br />Mayor Bisel asked how much lead time is required to build a Lino <br />Lakes water tower. Mr. Volk explained about one (1) year. Mayor <br />Bisel noted that the City of Shoreview has a new water tower and <br />asked how far away from Lino Lakes is this tower. Mr. Volk <br />explained that the distance is from Birch Street to one third <br />mile inside of Shoreview. <br />Council Member Neal asked how soon will the new filtration plant <br />be operational in Circle Pines. Mr. Volk explained that they <br />hope to have it on line within one (1) year. <br />Council Member Neal noted that there is a small water tower at <br />the LLCF and asked what would happen to it if the City <br />constructed a large water tower. Mr. Volk explained the LLCF <br />tower would be removed. It is too small to serve any particular <br />area. <br />Council Member Kuether asked if the cost to Lino Lakes users <br />would greatly increase if the City purchased the Circle Pines <br />filtered water. Mr. Volk said yes. <br />Mr. Schumacher will work with TKDA on this matter. Additional <br />PAGE 2 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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