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06/11/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/11/1974 Council Minutes
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June 11, 1974 <br />Mr. Burandt said the airport had not been considered. The main purpose is to <br />relieve the Anoka Treatment plant which is only working at 57% capacity. He said <br />the sewage from Anoka is in the Minneapolis water system six hours after leaving <br />Anoka. <br />Mr. Jaworski returned to the paragraph on Page 2 concerning Centerville as the <br />primary area to be sewered. He repeated the earlier statement that the consideration <br />of Centerville only came after the Lino Lakes line had been recommended. He <br />questioned the requirements necessary for an interceptor to be designated as a <br />Metro Line. <br />Mr. Burandt said that servicing more than one community was not required. He pointed <br />out the criteria necessary for the designation of a Metro Line. This refers to <br />1000 acres of land or all or a major portion of a community. <br />Mr. Zelink a agreed with Mr. Marier in that this is a Political report. He pointed <br />out to Mr. Burandt that the Highways had taken many acres of land for the construct- <br />ion of the two major interstates crossing Lino Lakes and the fact that Anoka County <br />had taken some 3500 acres of land and lakes for open space. It would seem to him, <br />that in view of all that has been taken from the City of Lino Lakes, that the <br />Metropolitan Council should be trying to assist the City to assume a normal <br />growth pattern instead of curtailing all growth with the denial of sewers. <br />Mr. Marier questioned Point 4 at the bottom of Page 6. He recommends not skipping <br />through open lands and then recommends allowing additional capacity in the NSSSB <br />line for Blaine and the sewering of Ham Lake and Columbus by the 2000. How can <br />these two statements mean the same thing? <br />Mr. Burandt explained that the 36 inch at the Circle Pines limits is assigned to <br />certain Communities. The plan is to utilitze this line to capacity in order not <br />to have to install another major interceptor before the year 2000. <br />Mr. Marier questioned the statement "do not go over open lands" an interceptor <br />must go through open lands for the proper survival of Lino Lakes and Centerville. <br />These two communities cannot survive without an interceptor. <br />Mr. Brandt said that he had met with Mr. Carley on Monday and had gone over the <br />comprehensive sewer plans for Lino Lakes and Centerville.' He did not use those <br />plans because it would spread the capacity too far to the East. He felt that this <br />capacity should be reserved. <br />Mr. Marier asked where the Metro Sewer Boards Study and Plans were? <br />Mr. Burandt felt that this study did not cover all the area that it should have. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reminded Mr. Burandt that we have a State facility sitting on a creed <br />that flows directly into the chain of lakes. <br />There was some discussion on the North Road interceptor with Mr. Burandt saying the <br />plan to enter this interceptor at County Road J and Lexington is a good plan <br />because the capacity at that point is greater than on North Road. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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