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08/26/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/26/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />49 <br />August 26, 1974 <br />to be considered before budget hearings. Mr. Kent and Mr. Resch are putting together <br />some ideas for the Hall property. Mr. McLean will have more on this at a later date. <br />The House, barn and warming house at Sunrise Park have all been painted. The fence is <br />complete at Lino Park. The check for this work is in the bills. There was some <br />discussion of the condition of the gate - it needs some bracing as does the gate at <br />the well house. Mr. Jaworski moved to hold this check until these gates are fixed. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski interupted to say that he had had a call just before this meeting <br />asking that some sort of mini bike riding area be set up to keep the riders off <br />the streets. <br />Mr. Marier felt that these people shoud be asked to appear at the Park Board meetings <br />with their request and an idea of what would be required. <br />Mr. Locher returned and told Mr. Marier that Patrolman Kirschbaum will take anew <br />set of pictures and write up a complaint this week in connection with the trailer. <br />Mr. Marier also reported that Mr. Cecil LaMotte had requested an access to Centerville <br />Lake via the Outlot located in his Second Addition. He only wanted this for the <br />residents in his area and not as a public access. The P &Z thought that since this <br />outlot is the property of Lino Lakes it would have to be a public access and the problem <br />of crossing water department property would create another set of problems. Mr. Marier <br />will contact Mr. LaMotte. <br />Mr. Zelinka had contacted Mr. Jaworski in connection with the hiring of the supervisor. <br />There was discussion on whether to hire Mr. Peters of interview the applicants. Mr. <br />Jaworski moved to write to Mr. Peters and state that while his qualifications were <br />excellent, the Council felt that at this time the City could not absorb his salary <br />demands. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />The need to interview more of the applicants was discussed. Mr. Jaworski moved to <br />contact the next six applicants and interview these men on Thursday August 29, 1974 <br />at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski presented the findings of the Police Study Commission. The Clerk read the <br />report and Mr. Jaworski asked the Council for their comments. There was discussion <br />of the anticipated cost for vehicles and a building for the full time department. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that at the present time, the buildings were adequate. There is a <br />possibility of expanding into the small conference room in order to enlarge the <br />office space. This will probably be necessary whether there is a full time department <br />or it,the City continues on a part time basis. <br />Mr. Marier asked how many extra hours of coverage a day this would give the City and <br />Mr. Jaworski said about 19 hours. The present hours are from 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. until <br />midnight during the week and until about 2:00 p.m. on the weekends. Mr. Marier asked <br />where the vehicles would be housed. Mr. Jaworski said here at the Hall; Mr. Marier <br />- is there room? Mr. Jaworski - will have to make room. At the present time and under <br />this suggested budget no additional building needs have been anticipated for the <br />Police Department. <br />
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