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09/23/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/23/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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September 23, 1974 <br />that the sides that are there now will not be disturbed. He felt that the soil <br />is well suited as a sub -base. Mr. Gotwald felt that the future extension of West <br />Street should be considered. Mr.Jankus said the most he would do to his and is <br />to split into two five acre parcels. <br />After some discussion of this problem, Mr. Marier withdrew his motion and Mr. <br />Jaworski withdrew his second. <br />Mr. Marier moved to grant a variance to Ordinance No. 22, Sec. 27, road to be <br />constructed on present 60' easement, oil to be mixed, windrowed and packed, road <br />to extend 150' into Mr.Jankus' property to end in a cul -de -sac with a 100' diameter, <br />Mr. Jankus to give the City a 33' easement for West Street, final construction to be <br />inspected by Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Mr. Marier amended the motion <br />to read that only two building permits to be issued, one to each petitioner. Mr. <br />Jaworski accepted the amendment. <br />Mr. Prokop questioned the use of the words "sand" and "gra:Cel ", were they talking <br />of the same thing or is there a requirement for one or the other. The general <br />feeling of the Council was as long as this road is constructed according to the <br />general requirements and passes the inspection of Mr. Gotwald. Mr. Prokop jsut <br />wanted to be sure that the street is put in correct. <br />Motion carried. Mr. Prokop and Mr. Jankus requested copies of these minutes. <br />Mr. McLean reported on the Park Board meeting held on September 17, 1974. The meet- <br />ing was based around preparing cost estimates for the budget hearings. <br />Mr. Marier questioned the addition of the warming house at Sunrise and wondered <br />how the figures were obtained. Mr. McLean said these were figures submitted by <br />Mr. clausen and were computed on a block cost. The warminghouse at the Hall <br />property was computed onthe same basis. Mr. McLean will get more detailed cost <br />estimates for presentation to the budget meeting scheduled for September 19, 1974. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported on the Personnel Commission meeting held on September 18, 1974 <br />to consider the applications for the Depty - Clerk. Five applications had been <br />considered and the Personnel Commission had recommended Mrs. Genevieve Oman for <br />the position of Deputy - Clerk. There was some discussion of starting date with <br />the Clerk requesting that she start immediately. The Clerk is to present the <br />Council with a 30 day evualation report and a 90 day report. Both reports are to <br />be in writing. The Council asked for time to consider the applications. <br />Mr. Zelinka stated that he had received notice of the Circle Pines Utility meeting to <br />beheld on Saturday, September 28, 1974 at 8:00 A.M. He said there is no way that <br />he can attend this meeting and since all meetings of this Commission are held at <br />this time, he felt that in order for this Council to be represented at these <br />meetings, he would exchange responsibilities with a Council Member who cold make <br />these meetings. <br />Mr. Marier felt that since a resident of the City, Mr. Joe Davis, is a member of the <br />Commission, he should be contacted and(asked if he could report to the Council. Mr. <br />Zelinka will contact Mr. Davis. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if any of the Deputy Clerk applicants had indicated the ability <br />to handle bookkeeping? Mr. Zelinka felt that Mrs. Oman could. He also reported <br />that Mrs. Oman will start at $3.00 per hour and willlbe on a permanent part -time <br />basis. <br />
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