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12/23/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/23/1974 Council Minutes
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Last modified
11/26/2014 1:06:05 PM
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11/26/2014 12:30:34 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />December 23, 1974 <br />He has plans to do a lot of the work himself and since he is in the education <br />field, his summer months are shortened. The Planning and Zoning Board had <br />recommended taht a bond be posted covering the work left to be done. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there was any problem in posting this bond. Mr. Prokop <br />said that he had not had time to check into the cost of such a bond. <br />Mr. Locher said that in the past the Council had allowed the amount to be <br />placed in a Certificate of Deposit and retained by the Bank until the work was <br />completed. <br />Mr. Prokop said that he would need to consult with Mr. Jankus since this <br />street is a joint project. He asked if it would be possible for just his <br />hart to be placed in escrow. The Council felt that it would be necessary for <br />the entire amount to be placed in escrow. Mr. Prokop said he would consult <br />with Mr. Jankus and get the information back to the Council. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had questioned the status of the trailer parked <br />on the Tobish property on Highway #49. Mr. Locher said this case is <br />scheduled for trial sometime in January. <br />Mr. McLean reported there had not been a quorum at the Park Board meeting <br />held on December 16, 1974. There had been general discussion with no re- <br />commendations. He reported that Mr. Resch will not compile a list of super- <br />visors for the trailer that was to have been installed at the Hall rink. In <br />accordance with the motion passed, the trailer will not be ordered out. <br />Mayor Bohjanen introduced the subject of a_Fire Contracts with Lexington and <br />Centerville. Mr. Munson of Lexington was present to explain. <br />The point questioned by the Council is the paragraph giving the Fire Departments <br />authority to collect $100.00 per hour from the home owners for a fire call. <br />There was some discussion on this point with Mr. Munson saying that if this is <br />a problem, then he would rather see the paragraph deleted. Mr. Munson said <br />the cost for 1975 would increase to $7,757.13. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the Lexington Fire <br />Contract for 1975 with the removal of that particular paragraph. Seconded <br />by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Munson requested the Council to appoint a Council member to serve as <br />liasion to the Lexington Fire Department. He also reported that as <br />of the first of the year, he will be the Fire chief and a party will be given <br />for the retiring Chief on February 8, 1975. All Council members are invited <br />to attend. <br />Mr. Munson informed the Council that there will be.a vigorous training program <br />in 1975. He will keep them informed of the activities. He thanked the <br />Council and said a copy of the contract will be sent as sson as it is re- <br />typed deleting the paragraph requested. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the Centerville Contract should conform with the <br />Lexington Contract. He moved to approve the Fire Contract with Centerville <br />deleting the same paragraph in that contract. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion <br />carried. <br />
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