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07/28/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/28/1975 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:33:28 PM
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Council Minutes
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JULY 28, 1975 <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Rod Hanson will be assisting Mr. Gerry Clausen in the inspection and <br />recommendations for work to be done at Sunrise Park. <br />Mr. McLean said a proposed bike trail had been received from the Park <br />Board Commission, and he asked that copies be made for all Council <br />Members, the Planning and Zoning Board, Centerville Council (since a portion <br />of the trail will go through that community) and the Anoka Highway Depart- <br />ment. The DNR will provide the signs to be posted by the City. The <br />Bike Trail will follow existing roadways. <br />The Park Board is looking at some cost estimates for the construction of <br />a warming house to be located at the Hall property. He will have more <br />on that at a later date. <br />A suggested maintenance list had been presented to Mr. Volk and his <br />answer had indicated that over one half of the items had either been <br />started or completed and the remainder will be completed within the next <br />two weeks. <br />Mr. McLean reported that there is two recommendations for membership on <br />the Park Board. Mrs. Ina Lilydahl and Mr. Harvey Karth. Mr. McLean <br />moved to appoint Mr. Harvey Karth to fill the vacancy on the Park Board. <br />Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Bohjanen reported that he had attended the meeting on July 22, 1975 <br />for consideration of the Land Use Bill. This meeting had been held in Anoka <br />and had been chaired by Sen..Humphrey III. The general feeling of the communities <br />represented at that meeting was that the Metropolitan Council must be more <br />flexiable. Rigid lines cannot be drawn without considering the communities <br />that are affected. Mr. Locher had presented the position of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Locher said that he felt the Metropolitan Council doesn't get out into <br />the communities and see what is going on. Mrs. Peterson is the first <br />Representative that has visited Lino Lakes. He had told the panel that the <br />Metropolitan Council cannot draft grid line and put people in them. People <br />will build where they want even against good advice. Mr. Locher said the <br />meeting had a good attendance but that there should have been a wider repre- <br />sentation of communities. <br />Mayor Bohjanen reported on the July 24th meeting at the Metropolitan Council <br />Chambers. He had gotten the impression that while the Metropolitan Council <br />would not admit any responsibility for the sewer problems in Lino Lakes, they <br />will work with the City Engineer to solve this problem. He had told the <br />joint committees that Lino Lakes must have Federal assistance. This City <br />cannot put in an interceptor withou financial assistance. <br />Mr. Locher felt that one of the main accomplishments of the meeting was <br />that members of the Metropolitan Council understood the position that <br />the City is in and that is in part, if not soley, due to actions by the <br />Metropolitan Council. Mr. Locher felt that progress had been made on the <br />solution of this problem.. <br />A Resolution directing Mr. Gotwald to work with the Metropolitan Waste <br />Control Commission and the Engineering staff to solve this problem was <br />asked for from this City City Council. <br />
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