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09/22/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/22/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 <br />Mr. McLean asked who was to be delegated to deal with this? After some dis- <br />cussion, it was delegated to Mr. Volk. The information desired a pipe size, <br />depth, screen size, how much water in casing, cost per foot for new well and <br />number of feet. Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. McLean <br />reminded Mr. Volk this information is for both wells. <br />The Park Boord had also discussed the construction program. Mr. Karth had <br />,presented;' presented a preliminary sketch and cost estimate for the installation <br />of a 24' x 24' warming house. They had asked that this be presented to the <br />Council for consideration. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked the location of this building. Mr. McLean said to the <br />West in the immediate vicinity of the hockey rink. Mr. Marier asked the <br />cost and Mr. McLean said the estimate had been $9,706.00 not including the <br />paint and the septic system. <br />Mr. Marier moved to table since this in only one bid. <br />Mr. McLean said this was not presented as a bid but to be used as a basis for <br />specifications for the advertising for bids. <br />Mr. Zelinka said that the call for bids should be on a general basis - when the <br />bids are received, then they can be compared. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that this would create a problem in that the bids could <br />vary too much. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt that if the general requirements are listed, requiring some <br />type of building and a certain number of square feet, the bids could be <br />compared favorably. <br />Mr. Jaworski seconded Mr. Marier's motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to advertise for bids based on a decision as to the <br />wording of the ad. Bid to be placed in the legal paper and the Builders <br />Exchange. The specifications to be reviewed before the placing of the ad. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />The Park Board had recommended that the key to the switch box on the lights <br />at the Hall Park be available to Mr. Resch so the lights may be used for <br />football practice. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion <br />carried. <br />Mr. McLean informed the Council there will be a special meeting of the Park <br />Board on September 29, 1975 for discussion of the Park budget for the coming <br />year. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Amundsen for a report on the house located t:Sunrise <br />Park. <br />Mr. Amundsen said the house has no wiring, no insulation, no footings, no <br />storm windows, no heat, no water and no bathroom facilities. He also told <br />the Council that Mrs. Billik likes it the way it is and does not want any <br />changes. <br />Mrs. Kincade felt some of the remarks made concerning Mrs. Billik might <br />lead some people to think she is unstable and this is not the case. Mrs. <br />Kincade felt that Mrs. Billik did not have these things because she could <br />never afford them. <br />
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