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10/01/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/01/1975 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:37:37 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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OCTOBER 1, 1975 <br />Article III - Mr. McLean asked if Section 3.8 refers to an 8 hour work <br />day and Mr. Bastain said that it did. Mr. McLean said the Council is <br />talking of overtime in terms of a 40 hour work week. The rest breaks were <br />questioned and the time is 10 minutes with 30 minutes for lunch break. <br />Article IV - No questions. <br />Article V - No questions. <br />Article VI - No questions. <br />Article VII - Mr. McLean asked if there would be a different representative <br />and Mr. Bastain said that it would be someone from the Union who was easily <br />recognized. <br />Article VIII - No questions. <br />Article IX - on the seniority question, Mc. McLean felt that no provisions <br />are made for a part -time man who becomes a full time employee. How would <br />his seniority be computed. He was told it would be based on the actual <br />hours worked. <br />If hired at the same time, seniority would be based on rank in the test; <br />hour hired; date hired; or date of application or flip of a coin. <br />If a full time positionopens up, the part -time personnel must be given <br />first preference for the psoition. <br />Mr. Locher felt that if the City had an opportunity to hire a certified <br />officer this could present a problem since BCA makes no provision for the <br />training of part -time personnel, and the Courts will not honor citations <br />issued by uncertified patrolmen. <br />This will be discussed more. <br />Article X - Add "suspension" to the list. <br />Article XI - No questions. <br />Article XII - Section 12.1 - Mr. McLean said overtime is to be paid in excess <br />of a40 hour work week. The union is talking in terms of overtime in excess <br />of an 8 hour daily work shift. This will be discussed more. <br />Article XIII - No questions. <br />Article XIV - No questions. <br />Article XVI, Section 16.1 The City changes this to read 12 days sick leave <br />per -year with no accumulation from year to year, and deleted Section 16.2 <br />in its entirety. The Union asked to hold on that one. <br />XVII - Vacations - The City will pay for one week after one year; two <br />weeks after 2 years; three weeks after ten years; and four weeks after <br />fifteen years and five weeks after twenty years. The Union asked to <br />hold on this article. <br />
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