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OCTOBER 8, 1975 <br />Chief Myhre was also present. <br />This meeting had been called for the purpose of negotiations with the Union <br />in conjunction with the proposed contract for the Police Department. <br />Mr. Marier moved to waive the rule of only discussing the subject open for <br />discussion. He has another item he would like considered at this meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to table approval of the minutes of the previous <br />meetins until the final meeting. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Sgt. Costa asked for a five minute delay in the appearance of the Union <br />Representatives and Police Personnel. The Council Agreed. <br />Mr. Zelinka arrived before the meeting started. <br />Mr. Bastain and Mr. Wisenberger were here representing the Union. <br />Mayor Bohjanen noted that in the last meeting there were several articles <br />that had been held because of differences. He suggested discussing these <br />points. <br />Mr. Bastain preferred to go through the contract and single out the Articles <br />that the City and the Union could agree upon. <br />According to their notes the following action was taken at the last meeting: <br />Article I - No objections. <br />Article (1 No objections. <br />Article III The rest breaks and lunch period was discussed and Section 3.8 <br />dealing with overtime was held. Mr. Marier questioned the <br />violation of the time for rest breaks. Mr. Wisenberger said <br />there is a section in Article X that deals with discipline that <br />could be applied in this case. He also stated that most Police <br />don't have the time to take the full time allotted. They are <br />subject to call at all times. After some discussion, the Coucil <br />asked to hold on Article III. <br />Article IV No objections. <br />Article V No objections. <br />Article VI No objections on Section 6.3, Mr. Marier asked who supplies the <br />bulletin Board and was told the employer did. Chief Myhre said <br />there is a bulletin board in the Police Office at the present <br />time. <br />Article VII No objections. <br />Article VIII No objections <br />Article XI Hold by Council request. Mr. Marier felt there is no advantage <br />to posting a seniority list. Mr. Bastain said they would like <br />it posted. Mr. Marier felt that this causes more friction and <br />any employee can ask the supervisor at any time. This practice <br />become another record keeping process. Mr. Jaworski felt if <br />the phrase 'available on request by the employee' was inserted, <br />that would be sufficient. The Union agreed. Mr. McLean asked <br />the length of the 'probationary period', is it six months, <br />a year, or what? Also, what is the definition of this? <br />