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11/28/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/28/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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40 <br />November 28, 1977 <br /> requested a certificate of survey, opinions from the Planner and Engineer and <br />this information to be forwarded to Mr. Locher. The Company is looking for a Spring con- <br />struction date. This matter will be discussed at the next Planning and Zoning Board meet- <br />ing. <br />The Planning and Zoning had considered the plat of Mar Don Homes. There were lots direct- <br />ly undera power line and the planner had been informed these lots would be uhbuildable. <br />They will redesign and resubmit. <br />There had been question of a trailer located at Moline Contrete Plat. The ordinance govern- <br />ing the parking of trailers was checked by Mr. Locher and the ordinance specifies that a <br />unit must be used for living quarters. This trailer is apparently used as a mobile office. <br />This is to be check out. <br />Mr. McLean had a question as to the operations of the One Shot Gun Club, located on Marshan <br />Lake. This appears to be within the Anoka County Open Space. Mr. McLean will contact Mr. <br />Torkildson on this. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if there had been any contact from Mr. Kronholm on the Country Lakes <br />Park land and the Clerk said there had not been. Mr. Kronholm was to contact Mr. McLean <br />but as of this date, Mr. McLean had not had any word from Mr. Kronholm. The Clerk was in- <br />structed to contact. Mr. Kronholm and ask him to contact Mr. McLean. <br />Mr. Schneider reported on matters discussed at the Park Board meeting held on November 21, <br />1977. The lights at Sunrise Park will be changed some time this week, depending on the <br />electrician. <br />There had been some discussion on the location of the sign at Lino Park and the fact that <br />it could interfer with the soccer field. The question of the location of the hockey rink <br />and the warming house had been raised and the members of the Park Board were told that all <br />plans for that park will have to be cleared through this Board and through the Council. <br />Mr. Burman had been contacted for some CETA assistance with the Parks this winter and there <br />is no, CETA people available. There could be some assistance from the area of underprivil- <br />edged people. The County will call the first week in December on this. Mr. Schneider <br />said he also plans to contact Blaine for some assistance. <br />There was some discussion on the phones at Sunrise Park with the general consensus of the <br />Council to leave the phones as they are now. <br />Mr. Locher reported on a meeting of the Judges just this afternoon. The discussion had <br />been on working out a method to set up the arraignments for the Cities on a regular basis. <br />Mr. Locher said the Clerk of Court will work this out and more will be known after the first <br />of the year. <br />Mr. Schneider questioned the increase in cost and Mr. Locher said the reasoning behind <br />the order was to settle some of the cases before they get to court. Theoretically, this <br />is supposed to save the Cities money. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there had been any change in the method of handling State Highway <br />Patrol arrests and Mr. Locher said, No. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he had inspected West Shadow Lake Drive and would recommend this street <br />be accepted as a City street for regular maintenance and the Contractor be paid. Mr. <br />McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher suggested that lein waivers be provided before payment is made. Mr. Gotwald <br />said he would call the contractor. <br />
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