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02/12/1979 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
02/12/1979 Council Minutes
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21.0 <br />Februaru 26,E 1979 <br />This meeting will be closed at 9:55 P.M. <br />Chief Myhre was asked the major porblems and he said, I) treaspassing, <br />2) use of single ball shot and 3) shooting in the Anoka County Park. <br />Mark Shaugnessy - Is the Park Boundaries defined? Mary - not ver good. <br />Mark Hickle - Problems with Bor and Arrow? Mary - No. <br />Ron Marier - Felt the current Ordinance was - adequate - just enforce it. <br />Ben Benson - Problems with hinting or discharging of firearms? Mary - <br />both. Felt problems come from illegal hunters and not enforcing the law <br />rather than changing the law. Set aside an area for trap shottbng <br />in the County Park. <br />Conservation Officer - Cit's Ordinance cannot be enforced as written - <br />maube only needs to ba reworded. His office cannot enforce local <br />ordinances - can only enforce State Statutes. <br />Mayor Karth - Is Lino Lakes included in a deer hunting zone - Yes, the <br />zones include the eintire State. <br />Larry Johnson - State Statute against carrying singel shot during grouse <br />season - No. <br />Gene Mobley- abolishing the right to carry single shot violation of <br />Consitiution. <br />Brian Dobie - Southeren communities have problems with treaspassing - <br />have strong firearm laws - need permit to carry weapon, written permission <br />from property owner. <br />Richard Long - gave summary of data sheet given to all Council members. <br />Locke Perkins - are there any proposed changes to prevent any man hunting <br />if he was hinting legally? No, Mary said just to prohibit single shot <br />weapons - loaded or shells on person and require written permission <br />from property owner to hunt property. <br />Dave Savernick - this area is not zoned for rifle so should not be using <br />is zoned for slugs - some persons might not know they are illegal. <br />Gene Mobley - could open space be used for trap shooting - duck hunting? <br />Mayor Karth - didn't know - could be presented to Park Board. <br />Jerry Blackbird - if trap shooting is condoned, have all the Twin City <br />people out here using the range. <br />Jim Flannery - understood legal hunter Ik - proposing to make enforce- <br />ment easier - would provide for arresting of poachers. <br />Larry Leibel - has never had problems with people from this area - <br />problems with perople who come in from the outside. <br />Glenn Rehbein - people from St. Paul with a card and key to the cable <br />use the park property for hunting. <br />Marv. - members of One Shot Gun Club have lifetime hunting privileges. <br />Glenn Rehbein - has neighbor who was not a member of that Club but has <br />hunting privileges in the park. <br />Richard Long - has a guard who will tell people where they can hunt and <br />have been sending them to George Watch Lake - is this correct? Mary - <br />can hunt on the Lake but not around the Lake. <br />Resident of Circle Pines - was concerned about the shooting in the Baldwin <br />Lake area becoause of the close proximity to Golden Lake and the homes <br />in that area. <br />Jim Flannery- hunitn in Northfield area must have written permission <br />from land owner on person. Should have additional signs for hunters <br />1 information. <br />1 <br />Mayor Karth thanked all the people for there input and for attending <br />the meeting. All the information will be sutdied and if any changes <br />are to be made, this will be published and a public hearing held. <br />
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